The adoption

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"Ravi, I get that you have high standards, but your lizards need a new home and your rejection as fast as" Jessie says before Zuri and Jade cut her off

"Men reject you" They two girls say in unison

"You couldn't just let one go by?" The red head lady asks them annoyed

"Hey, you pitch one down the middle I'm gonna swing" Zuri says as Jade and Luke mimic swinging a bat

"But Jessie! I do not want to separate my babies! And no one wants to adopt all 12 lizards" Ravi rants to the woman

"I do!" A voice behind jade says as she screams

"Where did you come from?" Jade asks as she holds her chest were her heart is

"In there" the lady responds as she point to the elevator

"I'm Cassandra, and aren't you cute little guys? Oh!" Cassandra says as she adores them

"Are you a lizard lover?" Jessie asks the lady

"Does a Varanus Salvator enjoy carrion?" The lady asks as Jade looks at her like she had two heads

"Classic!" Ravi says as the two laugh and fist bump

"What did they say?" Jade whispers to Luke and Zuri

"I don't know" the siblings says in unison

"Look, I'll level with you, the only person who loves lizards more than I do is my boss, and she wants to adopt all 12 so just sign here and she'll send them two a lovely place upstate with lots of room and lizard playmates" Cassandra explains as she passes the paper and pen to Ravi who look hesitant

"That sounds perfect! Right Ravi? I mean this lady's here and she'll take the lizards, and she's here" Jessie says wanting them to go

"The only small condition is that I would need to take them now, my boss is anxious to get her hands on them" The lady says as Jade stands up

"Sold to the lady with the glasses!" Jade shouts as Zuri make a ding noise

"Sit down" Jessie says to the girl through gritted teeth

"Wait! I'd this place lizard proofed?" Do you provide proper claw care? Will there be a night light? Because Sanjay is a sleep- crawler and you know how" Ravi says before he's cut off by Jades dramatic groans

"Don't worry, they'll be well taking care of" Cassandra assures Ravi

"Well as long as they will be happy, but we are going to miss them so much" Ravi says sadly

"Wellll" Jade says unsure before Zuri elbows her in the stomach

"Yes, we are gonna need time to grieve" Jessie says before Ravi looks down to sign while everyone expect the lady stands up and victory dances before Ravi looks up and glares at them

"People grieve in different ways" Jessie says before Jade starts to dance out of the room

"Hell yeah! There gone!" She yells in the kitchen

"She definitely does" Jessie tells the lady who looks at her

"Goodbye Sanjay, be a good boy, Mowgli be sure to chew your food five times or until it stops moving, and scooter, oh scooter I do not know what to say" Ravi says as Jade steps up to the pram that the lizards are in

"I do! Bye I won't miss ya!" Jade says before Ravi death glares her and Jessie pulls her back by her shirt

"And goodbye" Zuri says as she grabs the plate and walks away

"Time to go!" Cassandra says to the young boy

"Goodbye my treasures! Mrs Kipling and I will miss you very much! We will see you on visiting day!" Ravi yells as the elevator doors close

"By my treasures!" Jade yells too as everyone looks at her weird

"What they are my stuff" she shrugs before she walks away to the stairs

"WAIT WILL THERE BE A VISITING DAY?!" Jade heard Ravi yells before she shuts her door


I'm back!!


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