The truck

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"Weeeee!" Zuri and Luke cheer as the others fail to stand up

"Is everybody ok?" Jessie asks as she checks the kids

"Sure, if my tailbone is supposed to be 50 shades of black and blue" Bertram complains as he stands in the back

"Quiet! We don't want Cassandra to know we're back here" Jessie tells the 5 of them in a hushed voice

"These people are monsters" Zuri gasps as she looks in the box behind her "this box is filled with lizard skin bags and lizard skin belts" Zuri lists off as she looks through the box

"Mrs Chesterfield is going to use those giant scissors to turn my angels into accessories!" Ravi exclaims in a nervous voice

"Look, we'll get your lizards back okay? I promise, as soon as we stop, I'm gonna stand up to Cassandra and tell her to-" Jessie gets cut off from her rant as the trick stops and the front door opens

"She's coming quick hide!" Jessie exclaims as she quickly hides with the kids

"This is not how I wanted my day to go!" Jade says mad before Zuri cover her mouth

Cassandra opens the truck door to grab the scissors and then closes it as everyone gets out of their hiding spots

"Bertram!" Ravi gasps as Bertram comes out of his hiding space with a lizard hat on

"Sorry, I know you love those lizards, but this looks really good on me!" Bertram says a she does a little runway walk before the truck door opens to reveal Cassandra

"Get her!" Jessie yells before Bertram jumps on top of the Brunette lady quashing her

"I said get her not crush her" Jessie says as the kids and her wince at the jump



"Are you sure this is where my lizards are?" Ravi asks scared as they all walk through the dark forest room with a tied up Cassandra

"Mmmm, hmhmmm" Cassandra mutters as her mouth is taped shut

"Shhh, I feel like I'm being watched" Jessie says as she looks around a bit before Luke scoffs

"What do you expect when you wear that dress?" Luke says as a pant of jealousy strikes Jade

"Not by you" Jessie says after she see the look on Jade face

"Ahh!" Jade screams before Luke covers her mouth as the all look at the yellow eyes watching them

"This is why I don't like to leave the couch" Bertram says in a pitched scared voice

"Woah" everyone says as Jessie turns on the light to see all the lizards at their feet

"Kumar! Padma! All my babies are here!" Ravi says excited as he see al the lizards that lived at the pent house

"Yay!" Jade says sarcastically as she glares at the lizards

"Oh! Group hug!" Ravi says as he kneels on the floor to hug the lizards

"Why would Chesterfield collect all these lizards in a giant terrarium?" Bertram asks as he looks around at the lizards and plants

"Obviously to lull them into false sense of security, before she skins them alive!" Ravi says in a evil voice to mimic her

"You are sick!" Jade says a she looks at the older women

"Mmmm!" Cassandra muffles through the tape

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