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"Hi Tony, did a package come for me? I ordered 40 pairs of shoes from paymore!" Emma says as her and Jade walk out of the elevator to the lobby

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"Hi Tony, did a package come for me? I ordered 40 pairs of shoes from paymore!" Emma says as her and Jade walk out of the elevator to the lobby

"You know you only have two feet?" Tony asks Emma as Jade giggles

"Don't remind me" Emma says sad as Jade pats her shoulder

"Jade, Emma I need some advice, are you as good with relationships as you are with shopping?" Tony asks the two blonde girls

"Well shopping is like my super power, butting into other people's business is more of a hobby" Emma tells the brunet man

"So have you noticed that Jessie's been spending a lot of time with this officer petey character?" The lobby man asks the girls (lol idk what their called)

"Oh, Tony Peteys not interested in Jessie, I'm surprised you are, no offence Jess" Jade says as she whispers the part at the end

"Have you seen her eat barbecue?" Emma asks as the 13 & 14 year olds point to eachother

"Oh I sure have" Tony says in a weird way as he daydreams for a sec

"I don't think you have anything to worry about, but if you want we could do some snooping around" Jade offers the older boy

"I know where Jessie keeps her diary I read it to put myself to sleep" Emma tells the man

"It's true she does have a bit of a sad life" Jade says looking at the two in front of her

"Thanks Emma and jade"Tony says appreciative

"Of course Tony you know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for..." Jade starts to say before Emma cuts her off

"SHOES!!" Emma screams as she runs to the boxes

"See you Tommy!" Emma says as she pushes Tony out of the way

"So I have a question" Emma says as her and jade ride in the elevator back up to the apartment

"Yeah hit me" Jade says as she looks at her best friend

"Do you like my brother?" Emma says as jade spits out her soda from the vending machine

"What! Pff No!" Jade says in a unconvincing way

"Oh come on you guys are like super touchy and stuff" Emma says as she pushes the dirty blondes shoulder

"I mean I think he's cute, but it will never happen he doesn't like me anyway" Jade says as the get to their floor as the doors open to reveal the penthouse

"I would be so sure he looks at u with love in his eyes ever since we were 5" Emma says as they walk up the stairs to jades room

"I don't know maybe" Jade says as she looks through her clothes

"Ok I'm just saying, you guys would look so cute together" Emma says as she starts to fangirl over them

"Wait you wouldn't be mad?" Jade asks looking at the Blonde girl

"No, I kinda always knew you to would one day get together!" Emma says in a singsong voice as she leaves the room with jade in her thoughts

"No, I kinda always knew you to would one day  get together!" Emma says in a singsong voice as she leaves the room with jade in her thoughts

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