Finished school

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Jade was sitting on the couch once she was done school as the elevator opens up revealing a random girl and Emma

"Whoa! This room is bigger than my whole apartment, and I live with my mom, dad, grandma, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, and four rats, 6 if it's really cold" the random girl rants as she walks around the room

"We don't have any rats but we do have a Bertram, he has beady eyes and whiskers and he loves cheese" Jessie explains to the girl

"Who cares, are your brothers hot?" Jade says to Jessie before she turns to the random girl

"I don't find them hot but this is my oldest brother, he's 15" The random girl says as she shows a picture of him "you know I think your really his type" the girl continues

"Does he have a number?" Jade asks the girl as she stares at the picture

"Yeah here" the girl says as she passes a note

"Anyway, Rosie's here to work on a project, Rosie this is Jessie, my nanny, and the girl you were talking to is Jade, my best friend " Emma says as the blonde girl and the red head nanny wave

"A nanny? And where do you keep the footmen and the stable boys?" Rosie asks sarcastically

"Emma you haven't told her about the country estate?" Jessie asks clueless

"Rosie, why don't you go into the kitchen and grab a snack? Make yourself at home new bestie!" Emma says enthusiastic until Rosie walks through the door

"She's the worstie, she's such a downer, she organised an anti-pep rally, she's ruining my entire high school experience" Emma says as she shakes Jessie violently at the last sentence

"Emma, it's only been one day, you gave overalls more of a chance" Jessie says as she follows the pacing Emma

"Unlike Rosie, those overalls were warm and forgiving" Emma corrects Jessie

"All right Emma listen, I'm sure you can find something you have in common with her, I mean look at you and me, I'm more baddie your more sweet, I like black and white you like colourful things" Jade tells her best friend as she walks over to the other blonde

"Jades right, part of growing up is learning how to work difficult people" Jessie says to the girl

"But Rosie's really difficult" Emma whines before Zuri comes in the room and takes the remote away from Jessie then running away like a maniac

"Trade ya!" Jessie says fed up with the little girl

"Jade come with me" Emma says as the her and Jessie look at the dirty blonde girl

"Umm, the house ghost is calling again, I'm Coming!!" Jade yells at the end before she runs up the stairs

"She does know ghost aren't real right" Emma asks Jessie clueless of her best friends actions

"Oh Emma" Jessie says before she walks away to go to Zuri

"Oh Emma" Jessie says before she walks away to go to Zuri

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I'm back lol

I had no power for a couple days but I'm back

I might give jade a boyfriend before Luke lol 😏


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