lightweights, heavy monsters!

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Warning! This chapter includes drinking and intoxication, it's all fluff though. Enjoy!

"Worth it!" "Shut up." The two monsters sat up, shivering from their now soaked clothing. "Well smart guy, what now? I am not walking back in this and it's not like I can change." Asriel pouted, rightfully somewhat peeved. "Let's just stop somewhere! That, or I could carry you all the way." "Carry me? I'm like 300 pounds now Papyrus, I can't just hide in your scarf." "Is that so?" Papyrus cheerily grinned, standing up and offering a hand to the glaring other. Asriel almost groaned at the smugness, but his breath hitched as he was suddenly forced into the air, being carried like he wasn't heavier than a teddy bear by the skeleton. Papyrus chuckled a "Nyeh heh!" As the other grabbed onto him like his life depended on it, face buried in the soft scarf-like turtleneck. "What was that about hiding?" "Shfut upf."

They understood they couldn't walk like this forever with so many monsters around, still Papyrus trudged through the snow until the smell of greasy burgers and fries made the goats stomach growl. "Whats that smell?" Asriel shuffled to look behind him, the warm lights from the bar making him shiver in comparison. "..does it have to be that grease shack?" Papyrus hesitantly complained, the glare from the other shutting him up quickly. "You owe me. It's just until we dry off, he's made of fire I'm sure it'll be quick." Asriel convinced, giving the best puppy-dog eyes he could. The costume must've helped his case, Papyrus groaning as he relented. "I suppose I can just have a drink then," He complied with a sigh, releasing Asriel carefully once they got to the large wooden door.

Papyrus felt another unfamiliar pang of worry as he reached for the door knob, Asriel giving him a comforting pat on the back. It was also probably telling him to hurry up, but he appreciated it nonetheless.

The building wasn't too busy once they finally entered, Papyrus noting none of the monsters were all that familiar and would leave them alone. Asriel on the other hand had his mind set on the menu, making his way up to the warm bar where a slightly concerned grillby stood cleaning a glass. "Sorry for the mess! We're just stopping by until it's warm enough to walk home, I hope thats alright!" Papyrus apologized, getting a nonchalant nod in return. "Asr- uh Doggely, what would you like?" He awkwardly sputtered, the starving sparkle in the others eyes making him laugh to himself. "What? Oh! Uh, a burger and fries please, no lettuce." He added quickly, the idea of eating something leafy making him a little queasy. Grillby looked towards Papyrus for his order, of whom was still aloofely gazing at his dog friend. The fire monster knocked on the wooden bar to get his attention, flames flicking in curiosity at how different the flamboyant monster was acting. "RIGHT! I'll have the-" Papyrus took a quick glance at the long list of drinks, "-Caribou Lou?" He hesitated, Grillby giving a surprised look before turning to the shelves of drink behind him. "Why be so nervous? Doesn't your brother spend most of his time here?" Asriel spoke theough shivers, glad to be sitting so close to the bartender. "He does, much to my dismay. I'm just not as familiar with the monsters that partake in- alchohols." "phht- so you're a lightweight then?" "Am not! Or- well, maybe? I've never drank, so I'll never know!" he shrugged, glad to have his mind off of whatever was causing his nervousness.

It wasn't long before the food arrived, Papyrus's drink coming in a tall elegant glass with a bright cherry on top. "This doesn't look half bad!" Papyrus spoke cheerfully, taking a small sip and opening his sockets wide with a sparkle. "This is fantastic Grillby!" He complimented loudly, Asriel nodding with his mouth already half full of burger. "Guess you just needed to try something new, huh?" He mumbled through bites, too entranced by the meal to notice the ingredients in the drink Papyrus was currently chugging.

Before long Papyrus had ordered another, and another, and another drink, Grillby eventually having to cut him off with the shake of his head. "Oh, is something the matter?" Papyrus nervously inquired, Grillby gesturing to a now less supplied shelf of various liquors and alchoholic drinks. "Hold on, is that what hes been drinking?" Asriel almost spat, Papyrus double taking as he looked closer at the menu he'd read off of. "Surely not, I feel just fine! many have I had now?" His voice shook in a nervous laugh, Grillby only shrugging as he left to throw out the empty bottles. "You're sure you feel fine? Maybe let's.. get you home?" Asriel somewhat panicked, other monsters peering behind them at the sight. "I'm fine, really! Actually I feel much better now, nyeh heh" the confident Papyrus giggled to himself, Asriel hesitantly joining. "So, guess you aren't a lightweight after all then?" "Nope!" He cheered, leaning an arm on the goats shoulder. Papyrus himself couldnt complain, the sugary drink was probably just giving him a burst of energy, and making everything seem a little bit more funny.

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