You're Gonna Have a *Bed* Time

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Papyrus and Asriel finally started the walk back to the skeleton Brothers house, both throughly exhausted from the workout that was training. Running into Papyrus's reading buddy was always a treat, but conversing with a wound in your ribcage would tire any monster out quickly. Any thoughts of conversation quickly died out as they walked, both entirely focused on just getting somewhere they could finally relax.
Of course, as they reached the front door and fumbled it open, their struggles were far from finished.
"hey bro and friend" Sans greeted from the bottom of the stairs, his smile wider than usual. Asriel could hear the internal groan from Papyrus, though his smile didn't show the dread seeping from him. "Sans! Shouldn't you be at your post?" He scolded as playfully as he could, kicking off his boots as he prayed the conversation would end soon. "it's a tad late for that, besides i have a surprise waiting for you two." He continued, walking up the stairs and towards Papyrus's room. Asriel and Papyrus shared a dreadful look before forcing themselves up the stairs, Papyrus suddenly understanding why his brother insisted on taking shortcuts instead.
They walked cautiously as they reached the top, Asriel leading the way as he peered into Papyrus's room.
The furniture had been shifted around to make room for a new bed and frame, the classy wood clashing with the 'rad decor' as Papyrus would put it. Papyrus cheery exterior cracked as he saw how his things weren't as he'd left them, his brother immediately jumping to explain himself. "now i know how you get with big changes buddy, but i figured since we've had a guest for so long," he gestured to Doggely with an understanding glance, "i asked for a favor from a pal at the inn."
Sans looked positively proud, awaiting his brothers loud cheers of praise for being such a good host like a dog presenting a chewed up shoe. Papyrus, even in as much pain as he was, complied with that request. "IT'S PERFECT! I'm sure Doggely will be much more comfortable with his own bed!" He looked towards the dog, who awkwardly chuckled in his own mediocre act. "Yeah, thanks.. bro." He managed to mumble, the replies good enough for Sans to sigh in relief as he made his way for the door. "i'll let you two get comfortable then, night papyrus!" "Goodnight Brother!"

"So, it's.. different." Asriel commented as he sat on the new bed, the scent of clean laundry hitting his painted nose. "Sure is!" Papyrus said with an almost painfully obviously fake smile, the act too hard to keep up for any longer. He slouched as he sat on his own bed, thankfully still in its proper place. The new bed was placed in the corner adjacent to Papyrus's, and while neither would outright say it, the small distance felt much too wide. Boths chests ached as they got dressed for the night, facing their respective beds to give the other a little privacy. They'd both slept alone for so many years, really it was childish to miss the other so much, right?
Papyrus could admit he was impressed his brother had the energy to move around his heavy shelves and table of collectibles, though it didn't do anything to negate the dread of change that filled him whenever he looked around. He felt the drain of his magic trying to heal his scratched up ribs, working twice as hard as it usually has to. The mark would undoubtedly scar at that rate, but Papyrus was too tired to bother preventing it.
"Well uh, see you in the morning."
"Yes! Sleep well, Asriel."
"you too, Paps." They awkwardly cut through the silence, wincing as they tried to get comfortable in their now empty feeling beds.
The light that shone from the window bounced off Papyrus's computers screen, the room left in a dim light as a result.

Asriel, as much as he thought he'd like more space to stretch his legs, found he just couldn't get comfortable in the softness of the mattress. The pillows were expertly fluffed, so much so he felt like he was being swallowed. Papyrus on the other hand grew more and more frustrated, the clicking of his bones against his bedframe reminding him of the lack of barrier he had now. It only took two more clicks of scraped knuckles for him to groan in frustration, Asriel sitting up and looking at him with a worried expression. He went unnoticed as he watched the other try and fail to not make a ruckus, an idea soon popping into his head.
"Hey.. have you tried these beds?" He broke the silence, Papyrus splitting his focus onto the question. "I don't believe so, why? Is something wrong?" He instinctively went into host mode, Asriel taking his chance to fulfill the rest of his 'devious' plan. "You know, I'm not sure. Here, come lay down, maybe you can find something." He tries to hide his sheepish smile as he pushes himself to the wall, leaving ample room for the skeleton. Slowly but surely getting the hint, Papyrus wasted no time in scrambling for the softly cushioned mattress, his aching bones sinking into it without hesitation. It was almost impressive how quickly he got comfortable, pulling the blanket onto himself with a content sigh. Using the last of his will to stay awake, he hummed in false thought. "I think I need to research a little more.. I'll-" he yawned, "sleep on it." He finished with a drowsy smile, the chuckle from the other the last thing he heard before sleep welcomed him into its embrace.
Asriel had to remind himself not to stare at the sleeping skeleton, if not for the fact it was creepy, for the fact he didn't understand the feeling it gave him. He'd think about it some other time. Now with company, Asriel snuggled into the sheets, drifting to sleep facing his best friend in the underground.

1123 words
(Welcome to chapter 18! I hope you guys like the title, I try to make them at least a little silly. Before I forget, happy April fools day;3)


[Y-you're sure it's a crush? He is a super friendly gu-guy, maybe that's just it?]
[I'm telling you Alph, he's never looked at someone like that before! And the way he just ran in, no hesitation! The last time I saw that was the new Mew-Mew reboot with that dorky love interest.]
[A-alright, I g-guess thats pretty serious, I'll see what I can fi-find on him. Are we still doing anime o-on Friday?]
[You know it!!]
•Call Ended•

(Happy reading folks!)

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