Chapter 9

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The next morning as the sun started to peak over the horizon and hues of pink and orange filled the sky, the four of them left the capital. They were headed northeast toward Dromland. Nakita was determined to find out how her father and brothers got captured and why it happened.

During all these years that her father had been in the military, he had never been captured, never. She knew how careful and smart her father was. He was very good at what he did.... And yet somehow he had been captured. Her instincts were telling her that there was more to it.

Each of the four of them had their own horse to ride, Nakita of course, was riding her new black horse Osiris. With them only sleeping a few hours a night, it only took a week to get to the border of Dromland, instead of two weeks.

They first went to find the men who served under her father. She needed to get what information they had about everything that had happened lately. They weren't hard to find. It seems that they had set up a semi-permanent base camp since they had been there fighting for so long.

The moment they arrived at the base camp they were recognized by most everyone. The only group of people that wouldn't know her would be the second prince and his people.They were being led to the main tent, but before they got there she told the one taking them there, "I need you to go in first and explain to Captain that I don't want the prince and his people to know that I am the General's daughter. Can you also make sure everyone?"

"Miss, why don't you want them to know?" The soldier leading them to the main tent was curious.

"That's because I was in the capital before coming here and I have been seen as both Kit and Nakita but I haven't told anyone that I am both," Nakita explained.

He nodded. Once they got to the main tent he went in first to let Captain know what she had said. When he went in he saw that Prince Rory was already there so he went in and whispered in Captain's ear.

When he was done explaining to Captain, Captain looked at him and ordered everyone but the prince and his men out of the tent. "Bring them in." The four of them were brought in and Captain gave the barest of nods at Nakita to let her know he understood.

Prince Rory was the first to speak. "So what brings you guys here? And who are you?"

They could tell that the last question was directed at Nakita. "I am Kit. These three and everyone that serves under General Warfield can vouch for me. I was sent by Emperor Julian to get the general and his sons back. These three are here to help me. FIrst it would be best to know what has all happened recently. Only then can I figure out the best way to get them back."

Prince Rory looked at Nakita suspiciously and asked, "How do I know that you are the best one for the job and that you are to be trusted?"

Nakita smirked at him. "So you don't trust your father, the emperor, anymore?" She paused for a moment before saying. "Fine. If you don't trust the emperor's judgment, I can give you another reason." She paused for a second. "So did you know that when you left Willow you had some bandits on your tail that were looking for you?"

Prince Rory looked confused. "I had bandits after me?"

"Yes. Now would you like to know why they never got to find you?" Nakita asked. She could tell that this prince was not very observant.

Prince Rory nodded. "Yes. Why?"

"That would be because while the General's daughter was traveling to the capital she, and I since I was traveling with her, overheard their conversation while eating at the restaurant in Willow. Luckily for you, Miss Nakita let them overhear a conversation that she staged so that they would go a different way than you did. And if you don't believe me you can ask Prince Zander. He stopped our carriage as it left Willow wanting to search it. He had heard that people were after you. So he knows that it was only because of Miss Nakita that you remained safe. If she hadn't done that, they would have gotten to you before your brother got to you." When Prince Rory didn't have anything else to say she told him, "If you don't mind sir, we will accompany Captain to his tent so that we can get the information we need from him. I am sure that you would like to rest. If there is anything we find out we will let you know." Nakita bowed to the prince to show respect that she didn't feel to him and walked out of the tent followed by Captain and the other three.

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