Chapter 18

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It took a week for the six of them to get to the edge of where all the fighting was going on. The first thing they did when they got close to the two forces was to set up camp. Once that was done Nakita summoned her bird, Jade, and instructed it to scout out the enemy base. Next, she summoned Sage, her fox, to go scout out where Prince Zander's forces were.

After the two animals set off Jedrek asked, "What are they doing?" He hadn't gotten to witness her using her animals during missions yet.

"Jade is going to get all the information I need on the enemy's base and Sage is going to do the same for Prince Zander's forces. They will show me everything they saw when they are back. At that time, we can make a plan."

Jagger was amazed at the advantage her animals brought. "You and your animals are amazing. I bet it saves so much time, not to mention there is less danger this way. How do you do it?"

Nakita explained it to them in detail. Not leaving anything out. She had no problem sharing her cultivation techniques with them since they were family, even those three were family.

"So that's how it works. It sounds like the most difficult part is that the animal has to accept you, or it won't work," Victor said.

"That is true. When I went to find animals, I went off on my own into Willow Wood. I found all but my horse there. It took some time, but it was worth it."

After everyone had some dinner both Jade and Sage showed back up and Nakita had the information she needed. "Give a little bit and I will have a plan." An hour later Nakita called them to her. "So, here's the plan... Victor will come with me. We will go to the enemy's base. There is a lower rock cliff right by their base. We will be at the top and I will destroy their base using flame arrows. Victor will be the lookout for me. You four will follow Sage to Prince Zander and his men. Sage knows the way out. You will know when it is time to move. I will also send Jade with you. This way when you guys make it out it can let me know how things are going. Jade can move the fastest.... You know what I will send Fane as well, just in case. He can ride on Sage's back."

It was Sunda who asked, "What do we do if Prince Zander doesn't agree with the plan?"

Nakita smiled. "If he doesn't agree with the plan, then tell him that if he wants to learn my secrets then he will do as he is told, at least until I meet up with you all. Before you ask, yes, I am going to tell him. It's as good a time to tell him as any. Besides, it will be a week of traveling back to the capital. So, it would be hard to keep it if we are going to see each other every day for a week." They all nodded in understanding. "If he asked who else was sent to help tell him that the emperor put Kit in charge. Don't tell him anything about me being Kit. He must hear that from me, not someone else."

The next morning, they all headed out. Victor and Nakita headed for the enemy, Jedrek, Jagger, Sunda, and Kaiden followed Sage to Prince Zander. Everyone's trip to where they needed to be was wooded so they had cover.

The group of four made it to Prince Zander before the other two got to where they needed to be. As soon as Prince Zander's men spotted them, they were taken to Prince Zander. Prince Zander excused his men before speaking with the four of them. "What are you guys doing here?" He hadn't expected to see these four here.

Jedrek who said, "We are here to get you guys out of trouble of course."

Prince Zander was puzzled. "But the emperor said if I needed assistance, he would send Kit."

Sunda smiled, "Who do you think oversees us? We are following his direction."

"If you are following him, then where is he?" Prince Zander asked.

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