Chapter 19

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As they joined the others again Nakita summoned Osiris so that she could ride him. Prince Zander saw the horse appear out of nowhere. "Where did that come from?" he asked.

Nakita looked up confused at first. "Where did what come from?" Prince Zander pointed at Osiris. "Did the others not explain the animals to you?"

"No, they said that someone would explain later." Prince Zander was beyond confused.

"The animals are mine. They can appear as tattoos on my body or as regular animals. As long as I am in range of them, I can talk to them telepathically. For instance, when I had Jade scout where the enemy was, when Jade came back it was able to show me exactly where the enemy was. So, my animals can show me anything that it has seen." Nakita stopped for a minute, trying to think of anything she might have forgotten to say. As she thought of something she turned to face the soldiers. "You all should know that I will have Nyx keeping an eye out as we travel so don't be startled by her. She will not hurt you."

"How can you make them appear as tattoos on your body?" Prince Zander said as he got on his horse. Everyone mounted up when he did, and they all started back on their journey.

"It was a cultivation technique that my teacher taught me. If you'd like, I can show you sometime. When we aren't busy."

When they got back to the capital after a night of rest, they all went to the palace to report to the emperor. They all bowed to the emperor. "So, tell me how it went?"

It was Victor who said, "Nakita came up with the perfect plan. Her and I went to the enemy base and from a low cliff she lit all their structures on fire as well as their provisions. When we were doing that, the other four met up with Prince Zander to show them the way out."

"Wait... How did you four know the way out?" the emperor asked.

Sunda laughed. "That is because Nakita as well. Show him."

Nakita shook her head in amusement. "Ok."

Everyone in the room could feel her cultivation surge and suddenly four animals appeared. Jade, the parrot, circled the top of the room. Sage, the fox, started sniffing around until it got to the emperor, who had a smile on his face. Nyx, the jaguar, sat down next to her. And Fane, the monkey, started exploring the room.

"Because of scouting ahead of time, my fox already knew the way out. The parrot kept an eye on everyone from above. A little while after I lit their base on fire, when their troops looked like they were all back, Victor and I went to go meet everyone else."

"I can see why when you go on a mission these guys put you in charge. Sounds like of the six of you, you are the one with the best plans," the emperor said.

Jagger said, "She does come up with the best plans of the six of us. She is also the most talented. To be honest, she can beat all five of us. That is why we don't like to train with her."

Kaiden laughed, "That is also the reason Sunda, Victor and I didn't enter the competition. As soon as we learned that she was going to enter the competition, we knew that if we did, we wouldn't win. So we didn't see the point in competing. Besides, if we fought against her, since we all know her well, people might think that we let her win. Then the people would think that she didn't deserve to win."

"I wondered why you five didn't enter. So, for you five to ever compete, Nakita can't enter is what you're saying?" The emperor thought those five boys and the way they were with her was funny. They would protect her with everything they have, but it also looked like they feared her.

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