Chris's Crisis

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Chris: 18
Pluto: 16
Layla: 14
Cassidy: 19
Trever: 23
Mabel: 59

Little summary: Chris turns out to be bisexual in a homophobic household, and since he has no idea what to do, the confusion becomes too much for him, and he goes to seek help from someone who's also been in his position.

"UUUUUUUGH, WHY do you keep inviting Mabel?!" Pluto shouted, her hands tugging at her hair. "I haaaate her, you know that!"

"I know, but you and aunt Mabel need to get along." Trever said, wiping off one of the plates he finished cleaning.

"NO! She's just.. eugh! She smells like cat litter, she's always using my stupid dead name, and she keeps on sayin' "oh, Amelia, why did you cut your beautiful, fEmInInE hair off?? You look so BoYiSh now..". DUH! That's the point! And ANOTHER THING..."

She spiraled off into a rant, and by now, Trever had stopped listening to whatever she was saying. He was busy tending to the food on the stove while setting the table. He didn't really want to invite Mabel, she was pretty homophobic and transphobic, which isn't a very good combination since Pluto has a girlfriend and Trever is transgender, but he just really wanted to try and get rid of the bad blood between them. Their family was falling apart, and it has been ever since.. the incident.

But that's a story for another day.

timeskip because im a lazy fuck

(Knock Knock)

"Oh, god, she's here." Cassidy said, her face contorting into one of disgust.

"I can smell her through the door." Pluto whispered to Cassidy, waving her hand in front of her nose.

Trever took a few deep breaths before walking to the door and opening it. Mabel came bursting through the door, carrying at least 7 bags of lord knows what. Following behind her were their cousins, Christopher and Layla, carrying a couple more bags. They made their way into the living room and set the bags on the couch. Layla and Cassidy began catching up on school drama, which was their favorite part of reuniting with each other. Pluto rolled her eyes and went into her room, shutting the door behind her. Cassidy followed suit, her and Layla walking into Cassidy's room and shutting the door. (they're the most exquisite yappers fr)

After a good few minutes, Pluto had completely zoned out. She was writing more smut about some oc's she'd made and she had no intention of stopping until the food was done. (stupid horny fuck) She was just getting to the good parts, when someone began knocking on her door. She groaned in frustration and stomped towards the door. "I don't want anything you have to give me, Mabel." She said as she swung the door open, only to be met with Chris' panicked face.

"WE NEED TO TALK." He practically shouted, shoving her back inside the room and locking the door.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Pluto asked him, sitting on her bed and stuffing her "personal" book under the pillow.

Chris didn't say anything, his face was buried in his hands; he was completely red. "I need your help." He said, his voice slightly muffled.

"With.. what exactly?" She asked, her voice slightly shaky. She'd read too many smut books that follow this exact story line, and she had no intention of being in an incest relationship. (stop reading smut and do your homework bitch)

"So, remember when you kept saying "Chris, you have a crush on Charlie, you're gaaay" ?"

"Oh, yeah."

"You were right."

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