Pushing the Limit

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(TW! Mention of S/A, cursing, mention of SH scars)

Chris opened the door to the science class. He was a few minutes early and he assumed that no one else had arrived yet. He tossed his books on his desk and laid his head down, but something felt out of place. He felt as if he were being watched. Then, slowly, the lights began to grow dimmer.

"Chris, my dear..~" A familiar voice called out to him.


It couldn't be.

He swiftly turned to see who was talking to him, but saw a row of empty seats. As he squinted and rubbed his eyes to make sure that he wasn't imagining anything, that same voice called out to him, but it sounded like it was right in front of him.

"Chris, over here.."

He turned back and screamed when he saw Harley sitting on his desk, smiling widely. "Hello, darling." She whispered, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Harley, I've asked you to leave me alone, my cousin has, Vickey has, and even Charlie has. So why don't you listen?" Chris asked, his face stuck in a frightened expression.

"Well, I couldn't resist the opportunity to catch you alone.. just me and you in this room. Your cousin, boyfriend, or stupid friend can't stop us now.."

"Get your hands off me and let me go."

"And why should I?~ It doesn't look like you're in any position to be giving orders, now does it?"

Chris stared straight ahead, not daring to move. He wanted to push her away, defend himself in any way, but that'd be wrong, right? He can't put his hands on a woman, right? Then he'd be stooping to her level, and that's what Vickey specifically begged him not to do. Besides, he couldn't move. He was too scared. His eyes followed her movements as she got off the desk and reached down to Chris's scar covered arm.

"Don't." He said, his voice shaking.

"I do what I want, honey." She laughed, tracing the scars and poking her nails gently into the fresh ones, causing Chris to groan in pain.

"Do you like that, Chris?"

"No, please stop."

"Fiiiine, so whiny." She lifted her nail off of Chris's arm. "Besides, that's not what I'm here for anyways."

She lifted his head, forcing him to look at her. She smiled widely and leaned her face closer to his, their noses nearly touching. At this point, Chris had completely froze. He couldn't move, he was paralyzed with fear. His mind was racing. All of a sudden, he heard Pluto call his name as she was walking by the science room. He kicked one of the desks, and Pluto looked directly at him. She saw the worry and fear in his eyes. She stared at him and the situation he was in

and kept walking.

Chris stared at the back of her head as she walked away with urgency. He couldn't believe it. He was alone. The last person that he thought would abandon him just up and left him. Harley finally kissed him, and the tears he was holding back finally fell from his eyes.

Pluto's POV:

Shit, shit, SHIT! I'm late to Ms. Keegan's class AGAIN! Now I'm sure to have another lunch detention! I threw my books into my bookbag and slammed my locker shut, rushing up the stairs and tripping over my dirty and untied shoelaces. I flew past Charlie, who grabbed my bag and halted me to a stop. Vickey was beside him, her hands shaking.

"Charlie, now's not the time, I am very late and in a shit ton of trouble!" I shouted, still running in place.

"Sorry, but, we haven't seen Chris yet, and he often gets his schedules mixed up.. we were kinda hoping that you had seen him." Vickey said, walking towards me.

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