Just Friends?

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(this story was made a while ago, and it takes place before Pluto and Chassity started dating!)

Chassity POV:

"Oh my god, you're delusional!" Exclaimed Tezra, examining Pluto's confession letter. "Me? Liking YOU?! Ha! Not even in your wildest dreams." Pluto just stood there, eyes wide and too heartbroken to utter a word. She was obviously on the verge of tears, but she didn't want to cry. She had embarrassed herself enough, so crying would simply worsen it. All I could do was watch in absolute disgust. I should have tried harder to tell Pluto that Tezra was bad news. I just wanted to see her happy, but right now, she looked the exact opposite.

"And.." Tezra continued. "I'll have to make sure you learn your lesson." And with that, she ripped up the letter. The letter that Pluto poured her heart into. The letter that I painfully wrote with her. The letter that I helped her write because I wanted my best friend to finally find someone she truly loved.

Even if that meant her instead of me.

The pieces of the ripped letter fell to the floor as Pluto stared at them. Tezra and the crowd of people began laughing as Pluto picked up the pieces, threw her hood over her head and left, a few tears running down her cheek. "Wait-" Kenzie said, holding out her hand to try and grab Pluto. She sped off down the hallway, and I could hear her sobbing. I walked through the crowd of people, making my way to Tezra. "What do you w-" I cut her off by spinning my purse and whacking her in the face with it, as hard as I could. She fell to the ground, her stomach right in front of my foot. I kicked her directly in it a few times before putting my purse on my shoulder and walking off.

I sped quickly past Kenzie and Mei Ying, still in shock as to what happened, and ran into the bathroom. I heard sobbing from the last stall. She's definitely in here. "Pluto?" I shout. No response, just sobbing. I go up to the stall and open it, going up to her and turning her to face me. She's an absolute mess, mascara and tears streaming down her face uncontrollably and her hair is fuzzed up. I feel incredibly sorry for her. "Listen.. I'm sorry-" She shoved her face into my chest and started crying even louder. Normally, I'd push someone else off of me in fear of my clothes getting ruined, but this felt different, and all of a sudden I didn't care about my clothes anymore, I only cared about her.

"What's wrong with me?!" She cried, finally looking up at me. "What's so wrong with me that nobody cares to know about my feelings?! Every single person I feel I love ends up being a piece of shit. I.. I'm sorry.." Oh, how I'd love to tell you how I really feel. "I just.. It feels like nobody's ever gonna ever see me and take more of an interest in me."

I do. "I mean, what's wrong with me? Am I ugly?!" No, you're the opposite. "Am I.. Am I just bound to forever being alone?!" No.. I just want you to notice that I really love you..

"Are you okay?" She asked, sniffling. "You're silent. Am I talking too much? If I am, you can tell me."

"No.." I finally say. "I actually love your voice." I smack my hand over my mouth as I realize what I just said. She just stared at me, and I stared at her. I done fucked up, I really have. "You actually... like how I sound?" She asked, her face turning pink. "I- Well.. yeah." I stammered out. She looked away for a moment. "Nobody's ever said that before." She said, "Not even me."

She looks up at me and we lock eyes for a long time, time stopping and everything nearly disappearing. I now notice everything about her. Her coffee colored skin, her fluffy blue hair, the gap between her teeth, and her raven eyes. We inch closer, slowly but surely, and our lips finally meet.

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