Caged Bird's Refuge.

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TW: Mentions of rape, mentions of suicide, blood, death threats!

Pluto POV:

I walk into class with a slight limp that I hoped nobody noticed. Everyone noticed, no surprise there. I was walking like a dog with 3 wooden legs. Hell, even Miss Keegan noticed, and I could tell by the way she stared at me.

"Uh, Pluto?" She said, that look of concern and confusion on her face. "Are.. you okay-"

"I'm fine." I said, heading to my seat as people giggled and whispered.

"Well, I didn't know Chassity got off suspension early." Mina laughed, and the entire class burst into laughter.

"Fuck off, dickhead." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. That was the most attitude I've ever caught with a student that I hardly knew. "How about you tie a fucking rock to your neck and take a swim in the nearby creek, huh? You want a reaction outta me, that'll get it, I'll laugh like a fucking hyena."

"Okay, break it up." Miss Keegan said sternly. "Mina, that was out of pocket, stop saying stuff like that. Pluto, that was way too far, we don't exchange death threats in here. Now sit down before you both get detention."

"Alright." Mina said, flipping me off behind Miss Keegan's back as she walked away. I sat down and returned her little gesture, flipping her off with both fingers.

I've been much more irritable since me and Rya's incident, and it doesn't help that it happens every other day. I could be walking around the school, slowly trying to forget what she did, and the next thing I know, we're in the last fucking stall having it happen again. She's always so aggressive for no damn reason, too. I've bled before, and it was fucking painful. Ugh, it disgusts me just thinking about it. Rya's name in general makes me throw up internally. But I can't say anything. I'm too afraid. She's got too much of a good reputation, and has an amazing record of manipulation. She could twist my words and make others think I'm lying, and I don't feel like dealing with that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Rya sat next to me, striking me with a sense of fear and disgust. I didn't even hear her walk in, which kinda scared me, because my zone-outs never get so bad to the point that I don't hear anything. But, honestly, I'm glad that they're getting to that point because my life is fucking ass. My daydreams are not only figments of my imagination, but what I hope to become once I get out of this shitty sack of flesh and bones I call a body. The only issue is my immortality. It's a blessing and a curse at times, and during this time, it's a curse. Living in this life with no escape is fucking hell, and my only coping mechanism is killing myself over and over to feel at least a little free, like I'm not the caged bird that I act like. But, sadly, it never works, and-

"Pluto, answer the question on the board, please." Miss Keegan said, and at that moment, I had no idea what to say.

"THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE!" I blurted out, and everyone laughed. Everyone except for me, of course. I studied the question a bit harder. 'What is the theme most shown in 'Fahrenheit 451'?'. Oh. My face turned red, and I laid my head down. That was one of the easiest questions known to man, it's 7th grade level!

"Dios mio, end my life." I groaned, loud enough for a few people to hear.

"Oh great, now she's speakin' Taco Bell." Mina laughed. That laugh.

Her laugh.

Is so fucking annoying.

I stood up from my chair and walked up to her and slammed my hands down onto her desk, pushing it very close to her chest.

"Step up, you fuckin' pussy! You got so much bullshit to say, but ain't doing shit! I'm here now, so do something!" I screamed in her face. She smirked and stood up, both of us just inches away from each other.

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