Caged Bird's Refuge 2- A Rose's Thorns.

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TW!- Cursing, Gore, Blood, Mentions of sexual assault!! (random lil thingy, but the song up there really fits Pluto!)

Pluto POV:

I arrived at class, early for the first time in forever. Kandy, Roony, and Rya were already there, and I assumed these were the usual kids that were in the classroom before anyone else.

"Pluto?" Miss Keegan said, looking up from her laptop. "You're never here this early. Is there something you need to talk to me about?"

"Yeah.." I sighed, giving a sheepish smile. "I just wanted to know what grade I have for this class."

Miss Keegan clicked an app, typed in my name, and pulled up my grade. I had a C for this class.

"Hm.. Is there anything I can do to bring up my grade? I'm aiming for at least a B+."

The moment I said that, Miss Keegan whipped her head around and stared at me in shock. Ever since I started school, she always knew that I only settled for the bare minimum, so I understand why she was so surprised. All of a sudden, she put her hand on my forehead. "Are you.. feeling sick?" She said, genuine concern in her voice. "Are you being abused? Are you dying?!"

"No, no, Miss Keegan, I'm fine!" I said, waving my arms and laughing nervously. "I just think that maybe.. I could settle for more than just.. average."

"Well.. for now, I could give you a packet of your missing work, and you can turn it in for late credit, and you could redo some work that you got low scores on. That could bring your grade up significantly, if you're up for it."

"Yeah, I'm down. Thanks, Ms. Keegan, it means a lot." And I extended my hand to her, hoping she'd shake it.  She looked down at my hand and slowly reached out to shake it, her hand firm against mine. As I was going to my seat, Ms. Keegan called out to me.

"You've come a long way, Pluto. I'm proud of you."

I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of you.

Those words rang in my ears even after I got to my seat. That was something I thought I'd never hear from anyone. But now wasn't the time to worry about that. I have to worry about my plan. It'll take a while, but if I stay on one track

it'll go faster than expected.




One can only hope.

Roony POV:

"I'm telling you, something's off!" I whisper-shouted to Kandy. "She's always zoning out, even more than usual, she's always drawing, and her breath smells like alcohol!"

"But you told me she drinks a lot." Kandy responded.

"Yeah, but- Not before school, she doesn't!"

"How do you know? Maybe she does drink before school, and you just haven't taken enough time to notice."

I looked back at Pluto, who was still zoned out. Maybe Kandy was right. Had I not taken enough time to notice that my friend was in pain? No. It couldn't be the case. She tells me everything. Everything! I was the one she came to when she felt like she wasn't enough! I was the one she let read her diary! I was the first one who she told about her drinking addiction because she trusts me! Then, I gave another close look, and noticed something I hadn't paid much mind to before.

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