So he is dead.

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(Third person POV)

The stadium was filled with thousands of people. Everyone was singing their heart out, screaming the lyrics of the song. Two persons can be seen performing on the stage. A young man and woman.

(on the stage, focused on the performers)

"Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?

With every guitar string scar on my hand

I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover..."

The female singer sings, smiling brightly. She takes a step towards the man singing the last part looking directly at him.

" Look in my eyes, they will tell you the truth

The girl in my story has always been you

I'd go down with the Titanic, it's true, for you..."

The man also took a step towards her, looking directly in her eyes. Both looks like they were in their own bubble, looking at eachother. The smiles never leaving there face.


Both sings together. The man takes her hand and spin her around. The girl puts her hand on the man's neck and the man puts his one hand on her waist while other hand holds the mic. Swinging lightly.

"You're my, my, my, my

Oh, you're my, my, my, my

Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover."

Both ends the song together. Suddenly the man leans down and pressed a sweet kiss on the female's lip. The crowd went wild. Hooting and clapping like crazy. The male singer grin and wink at her.

"C'mon don't forget we are on stage in front of millions of people." She whispers.

" Oh but they seems to love it." he smirks putting his hands in his pockets of his black pants before walking away, towards the crowd.

" Yeah sure they do." she mumbles with a role of her eyes but the light blush on her cheeks never left.

After performing for one hour more, they were now in the back stage.

"Umm...Ana I was wondering that after this world tour maybe we should go on a vacation and after than we should break the news. I am sure that once we break the news the paparazzi is never going to leave us alone anytime soon." said the man, Aiden, standing besides the chair the women, Ivana, was sitting on. Ivana looks at him in the mirror.

"Yeah you're right. And I think we really need a break cause I am tired as hell!!" Ivana whined droping her head on the table.

Aiden chuckles " Hey I got an idea! C'mon!"

( Ivana's POV)

"What-hey wait! I don't think my legs can carry me down the stairs" I try to give my best innocent look. Aiden sighs and roll his eyes.

"Ugh thats should be an illegal move." he mutters before gesturing me to come forward. I grin happily. I quickly grab our hoddies before jumping on his back. I placed a small peck on his neck. "LETS GOO!!!"

( On a park bench)

"Here is your chocolate ice cream, my highness." Aiden bow dramatically.

"Thank you my knight in shiny armor!" I grin back. He sits next to me. I placed my head on his shoulder. We both fell in comfortable silence. Both enjoying each others presence. But that silence didn't last long as my phone started to ring.

"Ugh I was really enjoying the silence." I mutters. Aiden chuckles slightly.

I check the phone. It was Diego. I quickly pick up the phone.

"Hey Diego! Whats up?"

"Ivana. Umm...did you hear the news?" he asked. He sounded a little worried.

"What news?"

"Its about dad. He pass away this evening."

" What? How?"

"Heart attack."

"Heart attack.Ohh."

"Are you okay?"

" Oh yes I am... Its just felt strange. I mean he is gone-" I let a small breathy laugh. "- finally gone."

" Ivana you know you can talk to me."

"Diego I am seriously fine. Its just hard to believe that he is gone. Gone forever from our lives."

"Yes it indeed feel strange."

"And a heart attack? Like for real?! I was thinking it would be strange and mysterious. Something like murder or something."

He let out a chuckle. "Yeah well it is what it is. So are you coming back?"

"I don't know. I will have to talk to Aiden first as our world tour is still left.But I will try my best."

" Ohk."

"So I will see you soon,OK? Love you bro."

"Love you too sis."

I hang up the phone. I took a deep sigh.

"Hey are you OK? Is everything fine?" Aiden asked me with concern in his eyes. I told him everything. He hugged me tightly. I placed my head against his chest.

" So are you going??"

"I don't know." I replied, my eyes closed.

"You should go."

"But what about concerts?"

" We can postpone them. I am sure they will understand."

" Are you sure?"

"Yes I am. Your siblings need you"

I looked at him.

He smiles. " I know you haven't meet many of your siblings since a long time and you miss them. Plus you said yourself that you need a break. "

I smiled and place a quick peck on his lips. " You are the BEST!!"

He grins " Yes I know."


This is my first Umbrella Academy fanfiction. I hope you all like it.

Please DON'T be a silent reader. Suggestions and ideas are always welcomed here.

✨I will try my best to update as fast as possible but I am currently working on two fanfictions so it will take some time. But don't worry I am not going to drop the story and will try to complete it as fast as possible!


P.S. the lyrics were from song LOVER by TAYLOR SWIFT :)

If you want you can check out my yt channel-
SIRIUSLYBAFFLED (@always_marauders)

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