A family reunion!

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(Ivana's POV)

"- you take care OK? Don't worry about that. Take your time love. You need it."
I smiled at my best friend's words.

"Thanks and yes I feel better now. Thank you Serena I really needed it."

"Well I am happy that-- oh...hey I am so sorry Anna but I need to go. My stupid boss needs me. But don't hesitant to call me OK? Love you soul bitch!"

I chuckle Slightly at the Nickname.
"Yeah sure. Love you too Soul bitch."
I hang up the phone. I love Serena. She always have a way to cheer me up.
I meet her when I was a nobody. Just after I left the academy. She was there for me with my every step whether it was towards success or failure. She at that time was in college. We met at a library where we were both searching for the same book. That lead us to know eachother. We have a LOT in common. We always understand eachother without even other speaking. Thats how we ended up being 'soul bitch'. It was her Idea. She was the first person I introduce to Aiden. She is a sister to me, closer than my real sister.

"Ma'am." I look up. Oh the place looks exactly like how it was before I left.
I get out of the taxi.
I pushed open the front door. The bittersweet memories filled my mind. From happy memories like the time when Five and I prank Luther and Alison or when we all siblings, except Luther and Alison, used to sneak out of the academy to the bitter memories like the time Five left or Ben died. I take a deep breath in and moved further inside. I hear some noise.

"Way to dress for the occasion by the way." I saw Alison speak this to Diego who was wearing his signature black outfit.
" Atleast I am wearing black." He said and started to climb the stairs.
"Hey I am wearing black too!" I said walking forward. Diego turn around with a small smile.
"Ivana." I turned to look at Alison. I last saw her at some celebrity get together. Which was last year.
"Alison." I smiled. She hugged me tightly.
"You actually come." Diego said as he ascend the stairs.
I walked towards him and hugged him tightly. He is not a fan of hugs but I am a exception.
"Ofcourse I have to. I miss my siblings."
I last saw him was on our birthday. That was almost 5 months back.
"I am glad you come." Alison smiled at me.
Thats when I notice Vanya standing at a corner,trying to hide her presence.
"Vanya." I nod my head in greeting and passed her a small smile. She looks surprise but she smiled back.
We used to be close but when she published her book, everything goes down. She published the secrets that I tell her when we're younger. She mentioned how I tend to lose my control over my power when I was young. She twisted my power into something dangerous and deathly. Because of her I received a great loss in my career as a singer. I know she thought it was right thing but she didn't have any right to expose the secrets that aren't her. I am not going to forgive her this easily.

"Is anyone else here?" I asked.
" Yes. I saw Klaus near the dad's office." Diego answers me.
"Thanks! I haven't seen him since ages!" I smiled at him before turning around.
"I am coming with you too." Alison said before looking at Vanya.
"No thanks I am fine." She stated awkwardly. Alison nodded.
I hold her hand before running towards the office. I am really excited to meet him. The last I saw him was three years ago. I don't even know what or how he is now.
"Hey you seem excited to meet him more than you were to meet me." Alison stated with a chuckle,trying to catch my fast pace walk.
I smiled at her sheepishly. "Its not like that Alison. Its just I atleast get to know how are you from the news but Klaus, I haven't seen him for almost like three years. And he barely answers any calls. So you know.."
"Yes I understand. And I also know you were closer to him than you were to me. AND I don't blame you OK? I know I wasn't a great sister."
I slowed down and look at her. "Hey we were children at that time OK? Its no one's fault. And there is still time left to improve our relationship."
"Yeah." She smiles at me before hugging me from side.

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