Chapter 3

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"Welcome home, Ms. Ivana." a voice breaks the chain of my thoughts. I turned around.

"Pogo."  i huged him. " Its been so long."

"Yes indeed." We both turned around  to look at the painting.

"You wanna know something stupid? I always used to leave the lights on for him.I was scared that he would come back,it would be late and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us,so he'd leave again.So, every night I'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on." I smiled sadly at the memory.

"Oh, I remember your snacks.I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches." I chuckle slightly at that.


 " You know your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere.He never lost hope." he told me with a small sad smile.

"And look where that got him." I state before leaving. I don't want him to see me crying. I really miss Five. He was my best friend. I take a deep breath. I was about to leave but something caught my eye. It was my first ever album record that I release . I send Dad this so that he can know that without him I was doing good. That I didn't need him to prove myself. I picked the record.

"Ahh..your album record." Pogo walked towards me.

"Did he ever listened this?" I asked but I  already know the answer.

" Uhh..No,I don't think so."

"Ofcourse. It was a stupid question."

"He wasn't really a fan of new music in general." he tried to help but I knew the truth already. I laugh bitterly.

"Or he didn't want anything to do with me. Once he realize that his control on us is over, we all were nothing to him." with that I walked away. I soon found my self in front of my childhood room. I pushed the door and look around. I can't help but smile when I notice the decoration there. The wall was filled with pictures of me with my siblings. These were some of the only pictures where we all were smiling genuinely. The laugh captured in them was real. 

I look at them one by one. Revisiting the memory with them. There was a one in which Diego and I were dancing in the rain. Yes I said Diego was dancing in the rain. It was a very rare moment. 

Next was the one where Alison and I were sitting in a garden, dress in handmade jewelry made from flowers and leaves . We made them for eachother. We were acting like we were Forest fairies. It was one of the rare days where dad would go out of city for some work and we will have some freedom.

"I remember that day." I turned my head to find Diego standing on the doorway.

"Which one?" I asked. He comes to stand next to me. He points his finger at the frame.

It was the one which I can never forget.  It was of Halloween. We were 13 at that time. I may or may not had forced Five and Diego to dress in the same theme as me. I was Hermione, Five was Harry and Diego was Ron. I forced Diego to wear a red wig which look very ridiculous on him. I now know that if he has wanted than he would have denied me, but just to make me happy he had agreed to be Ron. 

"Ohhh I remeber it too!" I grin and pinched his cheek. He swat my hand away. "Aww is little Ronie angry at me?"

"Ha ha very funny." He rolled his eyes. "Oh yes. We are having a family meeting downstairs."

"A family meeting?..Luther?"

He smirked "Who else you think will need a 'family meeting' right now.?"

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