Chapter 1

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Sitting in the waiting room, waiting to go in for the final interview, I start picking at my nails. I'm nervous, anxious and just hoping I get this job so I can escape. I won't have to go back home, I can just travel and cook.
"Alexandria Miller" I hear my name being called by a gentleman with his head sticking out of a room.
Standing, I make my way over, "Hi, that's me" as we shake hands.
"Perfect, follow me" he says walking back into the room he came from, "So, for this part of the interview process, we just ask you to pick one of the dishes on the list we've made to cook, you'll need to make five portions. All the ingredients you need are in the kitchen area" I follow him through to a simple kitchen, "Do you have any questions before I leave you to it?" the man asks.
"I should be fine, thank you." I reply whilst looking through the list of dishes, deciding on a creamy garlic chicken pasta.
"Perfect, well I will be sat over there just going through some e-mails, give me a shout once you're done, my names Matt by the way" he says, whilst heading to a long grey sofa next to a dining table.
"Okie dokie, all good if I play some music?" best to ask first.
"Yeah, go ahead, there's a speaker just on the side"
I connect my phone to the speaker, opening up spotify I hit shuffle on my playlist, the first song coming on being Bring Me The Horizon - Shadow Moses, feeling myself relax, I start getting all the ingredients I need and prepping.
Some time later, I'm about to plate up the food. "Hey, Matt, I'm about to dish up"
"Perfect, I'll go get the guys to try it out now, whilst you finish up" he replies, jumping up and heading towards a door. I turn around to start dishing up the food, my playlist still going, I start singing along to Bad Omens - Broken Youth. Making sure the plates all look presentable.
Hmm, just some chopped parsley and it will be ready to go, I think to myself as I turn around to grab it, almost jumping out of my skin as five faces stand smiling at me,
"Fucking shitballs" I scream, holding my hand to my chest.
"Well, that is definitely not what I was expecting to hear" Matt says, all five of them seeming to find this amusing.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry, I just didn't hear anyone coming back in the room" I start panicking, thinking I've just messed up this job opportunity.
"Don't worry about it, let's give this a try then" one of them says, I start passing plates as I sprinkle some parsley one each serving and they all go and take a seat at the table. I decide to start tidying up, finding some gloves, I start washing the pots I can so far, my playlist still going. I can hear them all talking amongst themselves.
Finishing off the pots, minus what they are using, I turn around to see how I did. They all stand, bringing their plates over and realisation hits me, I just cooked food for Bad Omens!

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