Chapter 6.

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Noahs pov.

I wake up to screaming, jumping out of the bed, I run out my room. I'm only wearing a pair of grey joggers. Looking up and down the hallway, I realise it's coming from Lexi's room. I knock on the door but get no reply, I try again. "No, stop, get off me!" I hear her scream. Fuck this I think to myself, I quickly enter her room, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. I focus and see her, she's asleep, but she's fighting something. I realise she's having a nightmare. "No no no, please don't do this" she cries out, my heart breaks for her. She starts thrashing violently, the quilt falling off her, I get on the bed, slowly and gently, touching her arm to try and wake her. She startles awake, her face stained with tears. She starts to panic, so I grab her into a hug, pressing her ear to my chest, "Shh, it's okay Lexi, it's just me, it's just Noah" I say stroking her hair, slightly rocking her. We sit their for about ten minutes, until her breathing starts to settle down. I pull back so I can look in her eyes, "Hey, you wanna talk about it?" I ask, my thumbs wiping her tears away.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, usually it's not that bad" she stands up, grabbing a dressing gown and putting it on, "cig?" she asks. Without answering, I get up and follow her. I wonder what the reason is for her nightmares...

Alexandria's pov.

We make our way downstairs, I grab the ash tray and sit on the edge of the pool, dipping my feet in. Noah sits down beside me, his joggers rolled up.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks. I take a deep breath in, looking up at the sky.
"It's nothing to worry about, just a bad dream."
"Lexi, it didn't seem like nothing, the look on your face and your body language is telling me it's something"
"Noah, please" I look over at him, my eyes pleading, he rests his hand on mine, a look of concern on his face.
"Okay, but I am here, if and when you're ready to open up." He smiles slightly, "Let's get some rest" he says, standing up, he holds his hand out to help me up. I take his hand and we walk upstairs. Getting to my door, he squeezes my hand, looking down at me, "I'm only next door if you need me"
"Thank you Noah." With that, we both go to our rooms. Taking my dressing gown off, I hang it back over the chair and crawl back into bed, finally drifting off into a dreamless slumber.

I wake early to make sure the band atleast has a decent breakfast before they're out for the day. I throw on some black joggers and a loose cropped t-shirt and head downstairs. I decide to make pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and hashbrowns. Music on, I zone out and just focus on the task at hand, my music playing in the background. Quietly singing along, I dish everything up and as always, all four men turn up just as I finish putting the plates down.
"Thought I'd make sure you all atleast eat breakfast, make sure you actually eat something else today" I say grabbing my coffee and going to make my way outside.
"Yes ma'am" I turn around in shock to see Folio sitting there with his face bright red and the guys looking at him with a mixture of shock and amusement.
"I'm just gonna pretend that didn't happen, enjoy your day guys" and I continue outside.

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