Chapter 5.

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The next week flies by, I always make sure I'm up before any of the men are, making sure they eat a decent breakfast before they busy themselves for the day. On days they're home, I'll make lunch for them. Then a cooked meal for dinner. I'm usually in bed after them, making sure everything is tidy for the next day and then enjoy some time in the garden reading with my headphones on.
It's now a full week since I got here, I get along with them all really well. It's a Friday morning, they've all just sat down for breakfast as I dishes up. I pour a coffee and sit down to make another shopping list. "Anything you guys wanna add to the shopping list?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee.
"I'll come with you today, if it's okay?" Noah says.
"Can you grab some sour patch kids whilst you're there, please?" Folio asks.
"Yes to both questions, right, I'm gonna go get ready" I place my coffee cup in the dish washer as I head upstairs. Today I just throw on some black leggings and a loose fitted cropped t-shirt that hangs off of one shoulder. My vibrant hair hanging in loose curls. Grabbing my phone, I head back down stairs. Noah is stood by the front door, waiting for me, as I get down the stairs. "Hey, ready to go?" I ask whilst I grab some bags.
"Yeah, let's go!" he replies. Walking to the car, he walks straight up to the drivers side, "I'll drive today"
"That's fine by me" I say as I get into the passenger seat.
"So, we will be out most of the day tomorrow, which means you've got the day off." Noah says.
"Ooh, okay. Any recommendations on what to do?" I ask, I haven't even looking into what I can do on my days off, feels weird to have that sort of freedom.
"It depends what you like to do"
"Honestly, all I do is cook, read and listen to music, I'm not a very exciting person" I say, I prefer the safety of being alone, the only company I have enjoyed has been the band.
"Well, if you don't fancy going out, you've got the house to yourself, put some music on and catch up on a book, there's also the pool." Noah says, smiling at me as we pull into the car park. I make sure we both grab a trolley and we head in.
"If you wanna focus on the snacks and any drinks you guys want, I'll grab the actual food and I just need to grab a few things for myself" he gives a simple nod before we split off. I grab all the groceries before I stop to get myself some snacks, a bottle of white wine, some blood orange gin and a few large bottles of fizzy lemonade. We meet back up by the tills, I start putting my stuff seperate to the actual household items, but Noah stops me, putting his hand on mine to halt me putting the plastic divider down "just put it all together, it's easier" holy fucking shit balls, it suddenly feels really warm in here. I don't know where to look, his hand or eyes, he slowly pulls his hand away and I put the divider back, doing as he says.
Getting back to the house, my mind is still in a jumble, all from a damn touch, I shake my head trying to rid myself of my thoughts. All the lads come out to help get the shopping in and help put it all away. Excusing myself, I slip outside, needing the rush of the nicotine. I sit on a lounge chair, inhaling. Feeling like I'm being watched, I open my eyes as Folio walks over. "Hey, you okay out here?" he asks.
"Ahh, yeah, sometimes my head is too much, and this is my one release" I reply.
"Yeah, I get that. You know, you can talk to me if ever you need someone to vent to." He says giving me a playful nudge, I smile back.
"Thank you, I might take you up on that offer." We sit in silence, before heading back in.
The rest of the day goes back fast, I'm finally getting myself ready for bed. Grabbing a quick shower in one of the main bathrooms. I step out the shower and wrap my towel around my body, realising I've forgotten my clothes. Shit shit shit. Making sure my towel is secure, I slowly open the door, making sure it's clear, then I speed back to my room, looking behind me to make sure no one has come out of their rooms, as I turn back around, I walk straight into a solid object. "Fuck" I mutter to myself, hearing a grunt, I look up and I'm met with Noah looking down at me, "Shit, I am so sorry! I didn't see you there" I ramble.
"Hey" Noah grabs my shoulder, I instantly feel on fire, "It's okay, I was just heading outside for a quick smoke, I wasn't paying attention." His eyes travel down, they suddenly go wide as he realises I'm just in a towel, "Did you want to join?"
"Um, yeah, sure, just let me put something more appropriate on" quickly going into my room, I look in the mirror, my skin is flushed. I throw on some shorts and a baggy top before grabbing my cigs. We walk downstairs and into the garden, sitting down on the lounge chairs and both lighting up. "I'm so sorry you saw me like that, I forgot my clothes and honestly thought everyone was asleep" I say, hoping I've not made things awkward.
"It's okay, honestly. Hey, atleast your towel stayed put" he says, chuckling.
We sit in peaceful bliss, I lie back, looking at the stars. Once we've finished, we both walk back upstairs together, stopping at my door. "Goodnight Alexandria" Noah says, as he walks to his room. God the way he said my name. Sighing, I get myself into bed, putting my playlist quietly through my speaker to fall asleep.

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