Chapter 4.

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We got to the house late last night, once being shown to my room I fell asleep pretty much instantly. It was the best sleep I've had in too long, finally feeling at ease. Getting out of bed, I pad over to the en suite and get ready for the day. I don't officially start until monday, so I've got 2 days to settle in, but I thought it would be nice to get a feel of everything. I head downstairs to the kitchen to see what sort of breakfast I can whip up. I start making a large pot of fresh coffee and putting my playlist on. Humming along to the music, I start making pancakes, bacon, sausages and scrambled eggs. I pour myself a cup of coffee. Just as I'm about to dish everything up, all four men shuffle their way into the kitchen. "Coffee anyone?" I ask.
"God, yes please you angel" Folio replies, pouring him a mug, I slide it over to him as he sits at the island. I place all the add ons at the island so they can pick and add whatever they fancy. "I'll pour the rest, thank you for this" Noah says whilst passing behind me.
"It's okay, I mean the jobs is as a private chef to make sure you all have actual meals" replying whilst I pass everyone plates to help themselves from the serving dishes I used for the breakfast.
"True, but you haven't officially started yet." Noah says sitting down and grabbing some food. I grab myself an apple and a knife, sitting down and slicing off pieces to eat. Getting my note pad out, I start making a menu planner for the week. "Don't you want some of the food too?" I look up at all four men staring at me.
"Oh, I'm good. I can't each too much first thing, I'm going to go get ready to get some groceries, if there's anything you need or want, just add it onto the list" I slide the notepad forward, heading up to my room. Throwing on some ripped, black skinny jeans and a BMTH band tee, I sit and put some make up on, opting for a winged liner and some dark purple lipstick. I put my hair up in a claw clip and grab my black combat boots and head back to the kitchen to grab the shopping list.
"Hey, alright if I come with you?" I turn to see Folio with shopping bags in hand.
"Yeah, course, let's go" I reply. We head out the house, Folio passing me the car keys.
Getting to the store, we both grab a trolley each. I focus on all the stuff for the menu plan, whilst Folio focuses on drinks and snacks.
"So, how are you finding LA so far?" Folio asks as we start packing the car.
"It's not bad, don't think I'll ever get use to the weather, but it's a nice change" I reply.
We spend the drive back to the house getting to know each other and having our own little karaoke sesh. We pull up to the house, the windows down, whilst blasting BMTH - Antivist. Not realising Noah, Nicholas and Jolly were all outside, turning the engine off and getting out, I try to hide my slight embarrassment. All the men helping with getting the shopping to the kitchen as I start putting it all away. "Thank you all, you didn't have to help" I say.
"We're more than happy to help" Noah says with a slight smile on his face. Damn, he's adorable. Smiling to myself, I check the time, before grabbing a can of monster and heading outside, sitting down in a lounge chair before lighting my cigarette. I let my mind wander, the last few months have been nothing short of crazy. Leaving the UK, coming to America, staying in shitty little motels and now this job. My past can't find me here, I finally escaped.

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