Chapter 8.

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Alexandria's pov.

After heading to my room, I pull my phone out, hide my number and dial. Each ring has my heart threatening to burst, finally they answer.


"Hey, I'm sorry it's been so long" I say, anxiously biting my nails.

"Lexi? Shit, Lexi, is that you?"

"Yeah, um, shit I'm sorry. I just had to leave, I couldn't do it anymore T"

"Hey, no, it's okay, it's okay. Just tell me you're okay?"

"I'm okay, I got a job out of the country, it's the best decision I ever made. He hasn't bothered you has he?"

"He did for the first week, but soon realised I actually knew nothing, but he's been to the police trying to say you're a missing person. Lex, where are you?"

"You know I can't tell you, it's safer that you don't know anything T, I promise you I am safe"

"Are you okay though?"

"I will be, eventually, I've got to go, duty calls. I love you T, I'm sorry you got dragged into this"

"Lexi, you don't need to apologise, I'm just glad you got out, just don't be a stranger, let me know you're okay"

"I will, speak soon"

With that, I end the call and get changed into some joggers and a cropped tee, then head downstairs for a cig. I make a quick monster with vodka and go sit on the lounge chair. I feel him there before I see him, "Hey Noah" I say without looking.

"How did you know I was here?" Noah asks.

"It's a secret" I say, smiling up at him, "Honestly, I can just tell who it is based on footsteps"

"We all have different foot steps?" He asks, one eyebrow raised and sits down next to me.

"Well yeah, but not everyone can tell them apart, I have the gift" I say with a slight chuckle.

"Right, do you and your gift want to join us for the toast?" He asks, holding a hand out to me, I nod, taking his hand and standing up. He doesn't let go of my hand the entire walk to the living room, I have to slowly pull out of his grip.

"Right everyone, grab your shot of choice!" He shouts. Everyone starts filling up their glasses, I choose vodka, definitely pouring more than a shots worth. Noah looks from my shot glass to me and pours more into his glass, matching mine. We all grab ours glasses, standing in a circle. "It's time to celebrate, here's to a new album!" Noah shouts as we all down our shots, I relish in the burn from the vodka and then realise what he said.

"Holy shit guys! That's fucking amazing news!" With loud cheers they decide a group hug is needed... squishing me in the middle. "Hey, fuck nuts, I'm only tiny! You're all gonna crush me" They thankfully let me breath, all chuckling. "Hey, just remember who cooks for you, gotta be nice to me" I say, lightly nudging Noah with my shoulder. I feel like I've settled in here so fast, they all make me feel welcome.

"Anyways, games night?" Folio shouts.

"You guys go ahead, I'm just gonna go finish off the shortbread, plus I am only used to playing two games, so I'll be useless" I say, making my way to the kitchen.

Noah's pov.

My gaze follows Lexi as she walks to the kitchen, I can't help but find myself constantly looking at her, trying to learn any small detail about her, like the small splash of freckles that cover her nose, slightly spreading over her cheeks. The way she swears in so many different ways, which always makes me laugh. The way she is so at home in the kitchen, and the way she smokes a lot more the day after a bad nightmare. I just want to know everything about her and that scares the shit out of me. A nudge to my shoulder pulls me out of my thoughts, turning I see Nick.

"What's got you so zoned out? Or should I say who?" He asks, a big grin plastered on his face.

"Shut up dick head" I reply, nudging him back.

"You like her, don't you?"

"We all like her Nick"

"You know that's not what I'm asking Noah" he says, shaking his head at me.

"I don't know what I'm feeling and it wouldn't matter anyways" Looking at him I let out a sigh, "I'm going for a smoke" With that I head to the kitchen to go out back. Lexi isn't in the kitchen when I pass through, I'm not surprised to see her outside already. I settle on the chair next to her, lighting my own cig. "You okay out here?" I ask her.

"Yeah, finished the shortbread, chocolate just needs to set" She's looking at me now and I can't help but get lost in her eyes.

"It's your day off, join us for a drink, don't worry about anything else"

"Just this once, otherwise, it wouldn't look very professional" She says, a small smile on her beautiful face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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