Chapter 7.

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Alexandria's pov.

The guys left about an hour ago. After I washed up all the pots from breakfast, I decided to get changed for a day by the pool. Deciding on a simple black bikini with a black sarong. I grab one of my books along with my sketch pad and head down to the pool. Placing my stuff on the table, I unwrap my sarong and decide on a quick swim before relaxing on the loung chair. Grabbing my phone, I turn off my location and log into my old facebook account. I can already see the rapidly filling inbox and even posts on my wall. 

Unread message*I swear to god. I will find you! You can't hide from me forever, you are fucking mine you little bitch!*

I quickly mark the message as unread and log out. I just hope he never finds me. Collecting myself, I get in the pool for a quick swim to clear my head and then decide on some reading whilst I catch the sun. After a couple of hours, I decide I want to bake. Putting my sarong on, I head into the kitchen. I decide on a salted caramel millionaire shortbread, thankfully I'd gotten all the ingredients yesterday. Putting my music on high, I crack on with baking. Whilst the shortbread is cooling, I pour myself a glass of blood orange gin and lemonade, before I start on the salted caramel. Probably should of eaten something before drinking, I shrug my shoulders before grabbing a slice of bread, that should help a bit. With the caramel almost ready to be poured over the shortbread, I'm starting to feel a bit more at ease thanks to the gin. The next song comes on, Camila Cabello - Shameless, I start to sing along and dance a little.

Noah's pov.

We're finally heading home after a long day in the studio, the new album is pretty much finished. I can't wait to get it released. Pulling into the drive, I park up, we all get out of the car.

"I think we should celebrate tonight, we deserve it" Folio says.

"I'm up for it" I reply.

"We gonna see if Lexi wants to join us? She's part of the family now" Nick asks.

"Of course" I say. We step into the house and I can instantly hear music. Is that singing? Shit, that's a good voice. We walk towards the kitchen to Lexi singing along to a Camila Cabello song. I stop in my tracks, watching as she sways her hips, singing along. Since the moment I met her, I've had to remain professional, she is pure beauty. I feel like some unknown force is pulling me to her every day. I also just want to get to know her as well. I stand in the door way watching her, completely in a world of her own, then Folio starts singing along, dancing his way into the kitchen. She instantly jumps out of her skin and looks absolutely shit scared.

Alexandria's pov.

"Jesus fucking Christ, guys! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I practically screams.

"Shit, Lex I am so sorry!" Folio is first to apologise, coming over to me hands up, facing me, as if I'll think he's a threat.

"It's okay! But fuck you shit me up"

"What smells so good?" Noah questions, pushing off the door way and making his way over to my side.

"I made some millionaire shortbread, it's not ready yet though, caramel needs to set before I add the chocolate" I reply, looking up into his eyes. Fuck, just fuck.

"We're having some celebratory drinks tonight, wanna join us?" Noah asks.

"Sounds nice, what are we celebrating?"

"We will tell you later, shots to toast!" With that, we all head off to do what we need to do before tonight, and it's time for me to make a phone call home...

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