Chapter 2.

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Internally I am screaming, but I keep my mask on and remain calm. I cannot risk not getting this job. "So, what's the verdict?" I ask, smiling slightly.
"I think we can all agree that was delicious." Matt replies, I breath a sigh of relief, I'm no Michelin chef and even though I've worked in kitchens since leaving school, I still get anxious cooking for people.
"Well I'm glad you all enjoyed it, I'll just clean the rest of the pots" I say turning towards the sink. Hearing them head back to sit down, quietly talking amongst themselves. My music continues to play and I forget what songs are on the playlist, going into my own world whilst I wash up, humming along. Just as I'm putting the last of the pots away, I start singing along quietly to Enough, Enough Now. I'm not paying enough attention to notice them all watching me. I wipe down the counters and go to grab my phone to turn my playlist off, looking up from my phone I realise it has gone silent, I look over to the table that they are all occupying, Matt is looking down at his phone with a smile playing on his face, both Nick and Nicholas have shit eating grins whilst looking straight at me. Joakin is hiding a smile behind his hand, whilst looking around the table. I can feel my face burning up as my eyes fall on Noah, a small grin on his face, and realization hits me, I've been singing along to their songs, right infront of them!
"I would apologize, but you guys got a good album" I play it off with a shrug, "Anywho, I've finished cleaning up, is there anything more for this interview stage?" I ask, sliding my phone into the pocket of my pants. They all look at each other, seeming to talk with their eyes, whilst I stand here clueless. Noah turns back to me, arm leaning on the table as he tucks some of his long locks behind his ear with the other hand, "We just have a few more questions, if you could join us" I make my way over, taking the seat inbetween Noah and Matt, "First things first, you're obviously aware this job means moving around a fair bit, accomadations will be included into the contract, so you wouldn't need to worry about that, when we are not on tour, we will be at the house in LA, do you have any issues with staying in the house during those times? You wouldn't be working every day, but it would be easier than having to travel the days you do work" Noah says, looking at me.
"That wouldn't be an issue at all" I reply, shit, am I getting this job?! I think to myself.
"Perfect, honestly, we only have one more question, when can you start?" I can hear my inner voice screaming with sheer excitement.
Looking around the table I reply, "I can honestly start as soon as I am needed to"
"Well then, let's go and get all the paperwork sorted" Matt says, all of us standing to follow.
After getting all the paper work signed and leaving the interview, I head to the hotel I've been staying at to make sure all my belongings are packed up. Once I'm sure I have everything, I go into the bathroom to get a shower and prepare for my new start tomorrow. We had all agreed on me travelling to LA with them all the next day to get settled in before I officially start.
Settling into bed, I can't help but think about the last couple of months, everything has changed. There's no turning back now though, this is my chance at a new life, leaving the past behind me for good.

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