<~ C12 ~>

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Im sorry that my updates are slowing down guys 😭

Im also sorry this is short I dont know if u guys want me to update this one more or finish the 6 story's I'm writing for my one shot book yall can choose but rn I'm alternating



From Silverstone, Oscar understood that lando always really got what he wanted. And he understood that lando wanted him. But they hadn't talked about the 'I love you's' that were said that night.

Infact, nothing was said about them at all. Lando hadn't even reached out to him, and Oscar didn't bother messaging him either. It was scary, Oscar loved him, hed known he loved him.

But he wasn't sure if lando loved him back. Even if the words were said, nothing else was.

So now they were in Hungary, and lando still hadn't said a word. So Oscar couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed Landos room number from the front desk and marched back into the lift.

He made it to Landos room and hesitated knocking on the door. The lady had given him Landos room key, he knocked before pressing the keycard into the box. He opened the door to see lando looking unbelievably confused on his bed.

"Uhm..hi?" The Brit said quietly. Oscar looked down at his feet as his face was flushing. After having a look at lando his hair was damp and his curls were messy and he was shirtless. And since he wasn't getting up Oscar assumed, probably nothing on under the covers either.

"Hi, yes, Uhm..sorry for like barging in but like, your ignoring me and it's driving me crazy. Did I do something wrong or something? Because if I have you can seriously tell-"

Lando put his hand up to stop him, sitting up and Oscar saw the Brits bare hips, his breathing stuttered. "Oscar I'm not ignoring you how could you come to that conclusion?" Lando said confused, "well..you haven't spoke to me since you told me you loved me.." Oscar replied.

Lando sighed, "I thought you were ignoring me so..guess we're on an even playing feild," he rolled his eyes. Oscar looked at him and swallowed, he was slightly embarrassed now, but he shook his head, "no..sorry.." he muttered.

"Well Uhm, it's fine and I'm sorry to, we should probably talk about it.." lando said and patted the spot next to him. Oscar squeezed his eyes shut, knowing lando was bare under the covers was weird to him. But he sat next to him anyways.

They talked about it until they fell into an awkward silence, until lando spoke up. "Yknow.. if you thought that I was just saying I love you to have sex with you..your wrong..I do love you," he said quietly. "I meant it as well..if you even heard me I thought you were asleep," Oscar shrugged, sounding a bit more confident than lando.

But the Brit nodded, "yeah I heard," he smiled, looking at Oscar with love heart eyes. And Oscar himself thought he was bad but this was pure love. "Oscar..would you like..wanna be my boyfriend?" Lando asked him softly.

Oscar nodded slowly, "yeah that would be nice," he smiled. Lando grabbed his hand and pulled oscar onto his chest, "can I kiss you?" He asked, Oscar nodded, "you can do whatever you want, I'm yours now right?" He said with a big smile.

Lando smiled back and pressed their lips together, it was soft but also desperate, like they had been longing for each other. "Do you wanna stay here with me tonight..?" Lando asked after pulling away. Oscar nodded into his chest, pushing his head between his neck.

Lando chuckled and hugged Oscar tightly, "get under the covers then," the Brit said, Oscar lifted his head, his face flushing a deep red. He climbed under the covers though, managing not to get a hard on when Landos dick touched his thigh.

"Sorry do you want me to like get dressed or something?" Lando asked, Oscar shook his head, "your fine," he muttered, not wanting to move.

"Are you taking your jeans off any time soon?" Lando asked jokingly, Oscar nodded and sat up, starting to fiddle with the button and eventually pushed them down his legs, then stripping his shirt leaving him in just his boxers before he climbed back on top of lando, snuggling right back into him.

Lando kissed the top of his head and wrapped his arm around Oscar's waist to keep him close.


They did that all weekend, spending time with each other and cuddling in Landos bed.

And it was now after the race in Hungary, lando was high off champagne and a podium, getting praise of everyone in the team. As Oscar was slightly annoyed, at himself and the rest of the grid for no apparent reason.

So the Aussie was sulking in his own hotel room after sulking through the whole debrief, lando looking at him with loving eyes. He smiled at the Brit a few times, not being able to resist.

But now he was sat on his bed sulking, wanting lando to be next to him. Until his wishes were granted and a knock on his door, he smiled to himself and got up, opened the door to see lando smiling at him.

The Brit quickly grabbed Oscar's waist and kissed him gently. Oscar smiled into it and buried his head into Landos neck when they pulled away. "Are you ok? You seemed upset in debrief.." lando said, walking them both into the room and closing the door, going over to the bed and sitting Oscar in his lap.

The Aussie looked at him, "just annoyed I guess, I want to be with you on the podium.." he muttered, lando pulled him down, flipping them over so he was hovering above him. Oscar giggled and looked up at him.

"Oscar you don't need to be up on the podium with me to be amazing, but yeah it would be nice to have you up there.." lando admitted, kissing Oscar softly.

Then it was Oscar's turn to pull lando down, to flip them over. Oscar cuddled right into his side, they had both changed, into sweats and t-shirts. Lando stripped his own shirt though.

Lando kissed the top of Oscar's head, the damp waves on Oscar's head smelt nice, allowing him to bury his nose in his hair. Oscar melted nicely into his arms, lando let his hand go under Oscar's shirt to rest on his hand on his bare hip.

They fell asleep peacefully together.

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