<~ C13 ~>

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Updates will still be slow though because I'm not up to date with the one shots yet bc ideas keep springing to my mind but we have 3 more to push out 🥰

Treat for yall in this one to 🥰


The Belgian gp.

The one Oscar had been sort of dreading, even though it was Landos second home race sort of, it was also the last race till the summer break. Then he wouldn't be able to see lando for a whole number of weeks, or maybe he could go visit lando, or lando can come to him.

But he was planning on going right to his parents to spend some time with them in Australia for a bit. And he was only free the last week or so of the summer break.

But lando was clearly thriving right now in Belgium, it was Tuesday and he'd already taken Oscar around half the country. Even though they were both quite jet lagged Oscar still managed to allow lando to drag him around.

But he really couldn't wait to get back to the hotel room to of sleep in Landos arms again like in Silverstone. So he did, he got to his own hotel room and waited for about an hour or so before a knock came on his door.

His eyes lit up when he opened it to see lando, the Brit hugged him tightly, "hi osc," he said, burying his head in Oscar's neck. "Hi.." Oscar replied, taking in the smell of Landos cologne.

They shuffled over to the bed and flopped down, lando landing on top of Oscar, kissing him softly before moving them both up the bed. Oscar settled into Landos side quickly, Landos arm coming to wrap around him.

Oscar liked it like this, just cuddling up to lando. And the Brit just let him. It was nice.

Oscar broke the silence, "will I see you in the summer break?" He said quietly, lando looked at him and kissed his hair gently, "I could try," he said softly, nuzzled into the top of Oscar's head.


Oscar didn't remember falling asleep.

But when he awoke his head was flat on a pillow and the bed was cold. He heard the shower running though and assumed lando must be in the shower. His assumption was proven when the shower turned off and lando walked out with a towel around his waist.

"Oh! Sorry I forgot clothes," he said as he saw Oscar sat up in bed. The Aussie was staring at Landos chest, until the Brit moved across the bedroom and grabbed himself some clothes.

Oscar's eyes never left his body as he stripped and changed right infront of him. Lando then crawled over the bed to him and kissed his cheek, sitting back down next to him, tucking him into his side.


Oscar qualified p2 for the sprint race, he was nervous. More than usual. Starting next to max was big for him as a rookie.

Lando busrt into his room after qualifying, Oscar jumped out of his skin. "Jesus!- fucking hell lando," he said, lando smiled and closed the door. "Sorry! But well done, p2 is big yeah?" He said, waking over to Oscar on his massage table and pulling him into a tight hug.

Oscar nodded into his chest, "nervous, but I'll get by," he said with a shy smile, lando then sat down next to him. "Nervous? That's not like my Oscar," he said, nudging his shoulder. Oscar sighed, "just wanna do good for the team.." he shrugged.

"The team will be proud of you either way," lando said, kissing his cheek. Oscar smiled and turned his head towards him, catching his lips in a gentle kiss.

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