<~ C21 ~>

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Here we go...
Here we fucking go guys.

IM NOT CRYING U ARE 💔 (I did cry proof reading this and writing the ending)

I couldn't wait till Wednesday to post this so here we go


Abu Dhabi.

Lando was good around Abu Dhabi, but he wasn't really allowed to share a room with Oscar after what happened in Qatar. But he still snuck to Oscar's room every now and again, after all he needed his cuddles.

It was the last race before the winter break, lando and Oscar would have to spend almost two months apart because lando was constantly away in different country's. Lando mentally apologised to Oscar multiple times, and even said it for real once to which Oscar said it was ok and he could have a life.

To which lando smiled.

The whole of the weekend, lando and Oscar spent as much time with each other as possible. But, obviously they had sort of been grounded from each other.

They still cuddled in their drivers room, snuck to each other at night to have each other sleep better. They even had a wank or a hand job here and there, just from the fact of not being able to keep their hands off each other for a few hours.

Jon knew. He eyed lando on the day of quali as he had a massive hickey on his neck before he pushed him back into his room only to see Oscar sat on his bed. The two had a guilty look on their faces, Jon just sighed.

He'd walked out and said, "do something about the hickey," and slammed the door.

To which lando and Oscar shared a little smile and a giggle before Oscar managed to get hold of some concealer that would match Lando's shade and managed to blend it out decently. God, it was almost like he had experience with this wasn't it?

To which he did, and this leads them to where they are now.

The memory's of their first time fucking around coming to Oscar's mind making him turn red. The rush of having to cover up the bright red and purple mark lando had left on his pale skin.

"Aww, your red!" Lando squealed, looking into Oscar's brown doe eyes. To which Oscar looked away, going even redder.

"Awe osc! What are you thinking about baby? I hate having to cover up your little mark, it's so cute," he teased, Oscar let out a shaky breath in response and bit his lip.

"Shut up.." he muttered, patting Landos neck with his index finger trying to make the concealer look as realistic as possible. Even though it wasn't entirely Landos shade, people probably wouldn't notice.

The mass of las vagas had passed, Oscar's shouting of his boyfriend wasn't the brightest idea he'd ever had, but mark delt with it like Oscar said he would do.

He got the hickey covered up to a decent amount, making their way to the track finally. Jon rolled his eyes when he saw them again, Kim also just emerging from the hallway.

"Ready?" He asked, everyone nodded.


When the two got back to the hotel, lando pushed oscar into his room, pinning him to the wall with urgency, "lando.." he moaned as the Brit sucked a hickey onto his neck.

Oscar moaned as he felt his teeth dig into him, his dick throbbing in his pants. Lando then parted Oscar's legs with his knee, sliding it roughly between his thighs. The Aussie arched into it, sliding his dick against Landos leg with a soft moan.

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