<~ C20 ~>

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Err I can't remember anything that happened in the other 3 races before this

This is the second to last chapter..
how are we feeling
Coz I'm devistated 💔💔


Oscar wasn't really to thrilled about the las vagas track, it was a street circuit and Oscar had never really liked those.

But lando?

For some reason his boyfriend had been hyping up this race for ages. And most of all, hyping his helmet.

Oscar also would say that the helmet was fucking cool with all the snakes on it n shit. But he still really didn't want to be in las vagas. Their livery was cool, all the livery's were.

But still, Oscar had this gut feeling something was going to go wrong.


Practice was a total fuck up.

Turns out there was a lose drain cover and it basically ruined the floor of Carlos's car. To which Oscar couldn't give a shit. One less car for him to fight in the race he guessed.

But then the whole of practice 1 got aborted and then the time was added on to practice 2.

Oscar groaned when Kim told him, he was tired and wanted to go to bed.

But at least he could have a somewhat nap now before practice 2.


When lando walked into Oscar's drivers room, he knew the Aussie was tired and pissed off. He half expected Oscar to be awake and ready to, well, cry.

But when he walked in, Oscar was fast asleep on his massage table. Lando smiled widely and closed the door behind him.

He grabbed a blanket from the corner of the room and threw it over both him and Oscar. They ended up in a spooning position, lando throwing his arm over Oscar's waist protectively. He felt Oscar relax into him, sighing gently as he pushed himself back into the wamth of Lando's chest.

Lando kissed the side of his head before he led back down next to Oscar. Still fast asleep.


A knock woke lando up two hours later, Kim walked in the room, more just poked his head around.

"Practice 2 is delayed," he said softly, taking note of Oscar asleep in his arms.

Lando nodded and whispered a thank you before he went back to sleep. Listening to the soft sounds of people walking past or talking in the background.

He stroked Oscar's hair gently, kissing his head again before he let sleep take over him.

It was like 1 in the morning. So he was definitely tired.

Two hours later, he was woken up again but this time by Oscar shuffling around in his arms.

The Aussie groaned and cuddled up to lando, like he was cold even though it was currently 17°.

"Hey baby, good sleep?" Lando said, voice laced with sleep as he'd just woken up.

Oscar nodded, "I didn't know you was here," he said with a little yawn.

"Yep, here I am, you ok baby? You seemed pissed off before," lando said, snuggling up to the nape of Oscar's neck, licking a stipe over the base making Oscar whine.

"No..I was just tired n stuff, but I've had a few hours I should be ok now," he smiled.

"Ok," lando replied, kissing Oscar's cheek gently before Oscar craned his neck to capture his lips in a soft kiss.

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