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To Qatar 😎

I got really bad writers block on this one so sorry it wasn't out earlier 😭

Would u belive it if I told u I've been writing this since Thursday last week 🙅‍♀️


Qatar is hot.

Like, really fucking hot.

So hot that lando is wearing shorts. Yes, you heard that right SHORTS.

And it's driving Oscar slightly mad the way lando is rolling them up and spreading his thighs. Oscar has always done that, but now he knows what it feels like to be teased with it.

He stared lando down for several minutes before he got distracted again with someone trying to talk to him.

It was a sprint weekend and Oscar was feeling good for it. Even if it was like 100° out.


Oscar got to stay in bed with lando for an extra hour on the morning of qualifying day.

They cuddled up to each other, lando kissing Oscar's hair a few times and stroking down his spine before they had to get up. Oscar did indeed groan about it.

But lando threw some clothes at his head and told him to get up or they will be late.

So Oscar had to, dragging himself out the bed and getting dressed very very slowly.


Quali was stressful, lando knew he had his time deleted. Not even bothering to put his helmet on the stand before he was told, it was indeed deleted.

So he angrily stood up and got all of his stuff and walked off annoyed. But at least Oscar got bunked up, right?



Instead, he also had his time deleted mid interview. Oscar was sort of fighting back tears. It's sad only being told mid interview on live tv. It was fucking embarrassing.

But clearly lando didn't know.

He came into Oscar's drivers room after the debrief and sighed as he threw himself down onto his massage table, Oscar stared at him.

"What a day, huh?" Lando muttered, reaching up to stroke Oscar's hair.

Oscar hummed, scrolling on his phone.

"I got my time deleted to, Yknow," he said sadly. Lando looked up at him, sadness in his eyes.

"No I didn't know osc I'm sorry..no one told me are you ok?" Lando asked, sitting up to pull his boyfriend into a hug.

Oscar sniffled but nodded, "are you ok yourself, you seemed really upset when you walked away,"

"I'm fine, osc, was just annoyed because I already knew it was being deleted," lando said, kissing Oscar's shoulder softly.

Oscar cuddled up to him, his face in the crook of Lando's neck.

"Maybe we will do better in the sprint, ok osc?" Lando said, trying to give Oscar a boost of positive.

"Yeah maybe..car was good at least.." the Aussie replied.

Lando nodded, "come on, let's go back osc, you sound wrecked," he smiled, helping Oscar off the table.


They made it back to the hotel, lando guiding Oscar inside gently. Before he set him down on the bed, more like pushing him.

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