<~ C14 ~>

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Wasn't lying when I said these updates would be slow 😘
But u have way to many ideas for my one shots guys ITS TAKING OVER ME.

But I'll try to still update this at least three times a month 🥰

But again it's either the one shots or this 😭

And I'm putting myself through it to do both because I love y'all so much 😘


Summer break was a bummer for Oscar.

Well, sort of.

He had his family, his mum and his sisters.

His dad was at work most of the day so he only saw him during the evenings.

He called with lando a lot, had some sneaky phone sex late at night and sent pictures to each other from time to time to keep things riled up. But Oscar loved their normal calls just as much, like they were doing now.

Lando sat in a dimly lit room, probably his own bedroom and a little lamp. Yet Oscar could see a little ray of sunlight from a crack in the curtains, it was shining onto the wall next to Lando's head.

"How is it with your parents then?" Lando asked, smiling into the camera at him. Oscar chuckled, "it's good I guess, boring without you but.. getting by Yknow," he said softly.

"Aww I miss you to Osc," lando beamed at him.

"Only two more weeks and then I can come see you yeah? Or you can come here to Monaco again," Oscar nodded, "yeah.."

"Then we can have some nice vanilla-"

"Shut up! My doors wide open.." Oscar scolded, lando chuckled as he watched the Aussie scramble up from his bed to shut the door.

Oscar huffed as he led back down, "Jesus mate.. get me caught out why don't you.." he rolled his eyes.

Landos laughing only got louder, it made Oscar start to giggle and join in with him. "Ok- ok.. I'm sorry Oscar I wasn't aware your door was wide open," he rolled his eyes, "thank you, your forgiven, as always," Oscar winked at him.

"Wow, I like this confident Oscar right here yes please," lando said back to him, wiggling his eyebrows. Oscar cringed and dropped his head onto the pillow as his face flushed a little red. "Aw..that didn't last very long did it osc?" He teased.

"I- shut up.." the Aussie mumbled back, lando chuckled again, "ok fine..sorry again,"

Oscar lifted his head again, his cheeks still pink and the little wave on his head slightly forward now. "Whatever.." Oscar muttered, "he's back?!" Lando shouted, "oh my, stop!" Oscar laughed.

"Ok fine I promise I'm done now," lando said, holding his hand up. "Better be," Oscar rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, its pretty late down here, I should go to bed," Oscar yawned, "oh shit Oscar sorry I forgot, what time is it there?" Lando asked.

"Uhm..around one in the morning," he answered, "shit, osc, I'm sorry you should've said sooner, have a nice sleep darling," lando said.

Oscar flushed again at the pet name, "night love you lan," he yawned out. "Night love you to!" The other man said happily.

He hung up and put his phone down on the bed next to him, sprawling himself out and almost kicking his dog Baz, who gave him a dirty look.

"Sorry buddy," he whispered, leaning down to stroke his head, which seemed to be enough to send him back to sleep. Oscar sighed, he wanted lando with him really.

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