-They forgot ur B-day-

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I'm wishing myself a happy late birthday and thank GOD i have motivation to write again. Anyway sry for the long break im tryin' to post more for now:)







-Bachira Meguro-

-This dude spents everyday like a birthday sooo u dont really notice

-Is confused as fu- when he sees other congratulating u

-His face when you tell him is too ridiculous to be mad at him






-Reo Mikage-

-He has been busy with blue lock so it slipped throu his mind

-He get a hlaf panick attack when he remembers

-Spens the rest of the day with you spioling you even more than usual






-Nagi Sheisirou-

-He saw that you were online quit early today in many games at around the same time which got him kinda confused.

-When you told him that you always do that on ur birthday to claim the rewards

-He stoped to work for a sec and went like "Birth....day?" He was embaressed af when he realised that it was your birthday






-Hori Yo-

-He's soo sorry

-apolegizes a milion times

-tries to make the best of the rest of the day






-Kurona Ranze-

-He had the day maked on his phone but he only noticed it later in the day

-Act it off as if it was n purpose

-is secretly emberessed






-Otoya Eita-

-This dud forgot it on purpuse bro-

-Rememberd it when Karasu mentioned it

-kinda mad that Karasu could remeber it and he didnt






-Kenyu Yukimiya-

-This dude would never forget it

-Change my mind

-you cant






-Ikki Nico-

-Is bit ashamed when he remembers

-Sents you a massege

-otherwhiesly acts sick or just busy




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