-You go to their game without telling them.

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These might be a bit short cuz idk what to write sry :,>

request: GhostRush

You try to supirse them in prettymuch all of them cuz its better to write

PS:When I write 'Toya' I mean otoya

-Isagi Yoichi-

He didnt nessecarily notice at the start since he was more conzentated on the match but he sure was supriese to see you after the game. Its not like he minded, not at all he was happy to see you he was just suprised. Well he got ready and you two left n' taled or something idk nothing special.

-Meguro Barchira-

He was talking to isgai and the others so you had your change to sneek by and suprise him at the end of the game. Megs didnt notice you while the game since you tried to stay hidden not to spoil the suprise When the game was finished you waited for him to finish getting ready and hid behind a corner. No i didnt notice you so the suprise was an succses but ńyou now need to life with a Barchira complaining why you didnt tell him that you'd come

-Reo Mikage-

Nagi knew though he didnt really care he wount tell on you. And we cant deny that Reo was a bit sad when you said you couldnt come to his game. At the game you didnt really try to hid but neither were you any loud not risking Reo seeing you. For some WHATEVER reason Nagi was done faster tha Reo what a mirical.....now Reo is confused and so are you.... Anyways. Nagi stood by the side while you just stood there like the emoji waiting for Reo to come. While it WASNT your INTENTION reo jumped back when he saw you like you just jumoped for around the corner.It was worth it.

-Nagi Sheishiro-

I didnt really pay attention to it he prop just though you were busy doing stuff s it was a challange to not get seen by him. He maybe was a bit confused at first but idnt think about it much more. In the end it just ment seeing you sooner which ment he'd get cuddles sooner so its fine by him

-Hiori Yo-

He might have been a bit dissapointed but understood when you said you were busy, which you obviously werent but he didnt need to know it just yet.  He was supriesed when he wass you after the game like i can see him being confused af but at the same time happy to see ya.

-Kurona Ranze-

He forgot you werent supposed to be ther so he wasnt suprised. How he forgot? no idea he just did. This time you were the confused one WASNT HE SUPRISED AT ALL!? But you didnt comment it and just went with it in the end.

-Karasu Tabito- (did i write him with muis last name the whole time!?😭)

Toya found out somehow and it wasnt easy to make him shut and not tell Karasu (lats just go with u treadent him..kind-ig). So you were suprised enough to find you Karasu really didnt know a bout it you were sure toya wound snitch on you. (He looked proud for no reason frfr)

-Otoya Eita-

He somehow found out.SOMEHOW. Well you dont know if he is just awfully at acting or if he did it on purpose but at least he played along to after the game to but on this kind of 'act' . Be honest he would tease you for the rest of your life about it.It defenatly backfired.

-Ikki Nico.

NOW THIS ONE yea you suprised shocked him for sure.Idk how he didnt saw you b4 the game or so though telll meh ya secrets :,>. Silent staring contest,if he can even stare that it. He'd be like 'im not even gonna ask' and you two just akwardly went home

-Kenyu Yukimiya-

I feel like he'd know but have you have the piece of mind that you suprised him with it.tbh idk I dont feel like it would be a special thing with him since you'd try all the time and nearly always failing.

-Rin Itoshi-

He didnt really care. Didnt get me wrong he just knows that you have onther buissnes to attend to. So yea i dont really think he understands your reasoning for coming. There isnt more to writ about in this one i think sry

-Ness Alexis-

He tried realy hard to convince you to come (you would have anyway...) but you didnt buche for obvious reasons, you didnt wanna spoil the suprise and you accually got some help from Kaiser to distract Ness during the game or rahter b4 the game so he doesnt notice you. He might be a bit offended that you didnt tell him but it was worth it for you at least

-Michael Kaiser-

I dont think he'd ask if you come or not it just is what it is to him ig. Did he see u during the game? Nope. Why?Dunnu. I'd act that he'd be offended-we ll know he aint though. He'd be ignoring you but not ignoring you.You know his games so you just let him suffer a bit more

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