-You play soccer again them-

232 6 3

-Requested by @Indiama38h

In this chapter y/n wount like activly play football cuz it easier to write for me.

-Isagi Yoichi-

I feel like he woulnt play to hart since it prop just for fun. Well he wount let you just win like that obviously but def stoop down his level a bit bcs yea its kinda unfair otherwhise. He might show you some easy techniques. I can also see how he would be worried when you accedently like fall and get his with the ball but night serious while you would just laugh your ass of.CHange my mind.

-Meguro Bachira-

He asked you 100%. He'll ask you all the time. I mean why wouldnt he? He would go on you as easy as Isagi would since it more fun that way but no way in hell he'll put on his full game. Depending on how good you are he will either just play it with you until you 2 dont want to anymore or if you are absulutey an amature he would either teach you something about dribbling or just shoot a way its hart for you to get the ball just bcs.

-Reo Mikage-

Its just a simple game with him i think. I mean he is like gonna play on your level and then just kinda paly a bit nothing serious. You two prop wount even count the goals exept maybe sometimes but not often. He might correct some basic mistakes but it really mostly just for fun.

-Nagi Sheishirou- (up to this day i dont know if im writting his name right :,>)

Nagi defenetly rather wants to play some games in the livingroom or something buuuut if you insist he will play a bit but not a fully game or so. Something like you tinya hit the goal and he just stands there to catch the balls. If he feels up to it he might play a bit but only if he wants to.

-Hiori Yo-

This.boi. He'll defenetly teach and show you the stuff he knows and play some lil fun games. Again will level down so its fun for both of you. I can see how he would just try to show you something and more or less mess it up and you just do it first try. But dont worry he is happy for you there is no grief or so.

-Kurona Ranze-

I feel like he would many  show you stuff and you try to do them. But dont worry he wount laugh no matter how stoopit it looks. With  him its more like a teaching lession i think. Idk I just can get a piture of you two playing a game in my head so live with it. He'll still be cute about it (LIVE WITH IT HES MY FAV OK)

Was otoya or Karasu next???


-Karasu Tabito-

Yep this is going to be a teasing match cuz he's not going to be easy on you. I mean sure he wount go be allaroud the place i dont even think he has the speet for that but he is NOT going easy on you still. He will prop explain after the 'match' what he did as kind of an apolegies ig??????

-Otoya Eita- (I cant think of anythig)

idk tbh he would just beat you in each match like kinda proving him ig??? idk sry

-ikki Nico-
Again this will be for fun purposes only so no heart feelings K'. I dont think he'll teach you stuff ot so acually but really just a bit playing.

-Kenyu Yukimiya-
He'll do an acuall match more or less. I feel like he like to test who is better in stuff so yea. If you still continue it will be just for fun and he might give you some tips here and there

-Rin Itoshi-
He first declined it sure dis take a lot of convincing but he etventually agreed. He woun't go easy on you thoug. Why? Bcs it boring and he wants to get done with it as fast as possible

-Alexis Ness-

Will lower is level so much its pathedic-he thinks you didnt notice,well you'd be dumb nut to notice tbh. He just wants you to have fun adn not get all serious about his K:< 

Im running low on ideas sry

-Michael Kaiser-

Wont really play serious- Not like going easy but he is more obseving you playing tbh. Sure he'll play and prop make you feel like an idiot biuut still yea.

Did I forget a character?- idk tbh

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