-When he sais something hurtfull to you pt.3)

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THA FINAL PART (NGL IM KINDA RUNNING AOUT OF IDEAS ON HOW TO WRITE THEM DIFRFRENTLY BUT OTOYA WORKED GREAT SO LETS JUST HOPE HERE) and imma put the link for my discort server on the bottom for a while cuz I need more ppl

-> Longer chapter with  5 instead of 4 characters

Nico is defenetly the hardes charakter to write for from the characters I have in this book cuz I dont wanna do him all innocent but I need him to be innocent :,> THIS MAH CHANGE TO NOT MAKE HIM SO INNOCENT SO YEA IDK BYE


enjoiy and cya (tottaly didnt make sence o say bye twiche {rip grammar} but kay')




-Ikki Nico- 

No he didnt say it on eccident but no he didnt mean to hurt you like thiat with it,while he meant it at the moment the longer he thinks about it the more is guilt comming up. He's a rather distant guy everyone knows that,he avoids much social inteactions and trys to stay out of truble,but now that he coused it hw does he solve it? He knows waiting too long will only make it worse but how is he going to talk to you? You're not directly ihgnoring him its more like niether of you know how to talk to the other one. I mean sure you were pretty fucking mad but who never had done something like that? You knew sometime it needed to be solved but you wanted Nico to be the bigger person and solve what he has done so you continued to avoid him. After 2/3 day the anger laid of but the akwardness was still there. Nico really wanted to apolegize but how? He needed to talk to you alone but when? He though on how he wants to do it for a while before setteling for something. Nothing specail just a normal talk he quessted you didnt want him to make it too big or so he hoped,he wanted to talk it out with you and see on how to continue if its fine or if you need some alone time ect.

-Kenya Yukimiya-


But however it happened we WILL try to myke it up to you as fast as possible. He's responsible enough to hand stuff like this i think. I realy realy realy doub thing like this happen multible times but if it does (which wount happen) Im sure he would somehow come up with different ways to apolegize instead of always doing the same

sry is was so short idk what to write😭

-Rin Itoshi-

lets just say at the start this isnt to rare. he isnt used to having someone acompenie him this much anymore and naturally still has a cold nature. You knew that but were willing to work on it (not directly cuz you'd never tell him though) just sometimes it get too much and this was one of these times.Alright now get me here he really does try to better himself buuut yk if takes awhile.But it more or less always pretty much the same he pisses you off you cut him out for days he texts you and its fine again moste the time now if you really pissed and expect more for an apolegie you gotta tell him cuz he doesnr really know what to do

-Alexis Ness-

I totally see this being about Kaiser cuz being honest I kinda hate if for treating Ness the way he does but again you would never force Ness to cut him off Ness isn' a 5 year old and should be doing his own decisions just sometime, sometimes you get fed up by Kaiser and that might end in an argument not regulary ofcure but still sometimes. And while this isnt the first time its defenetly the worst time. You both said pretty fucked up things ther is no talking pretty but Ness crossed the line and he knew the second he siad it but you were faster. Ness lets you have some alone time but is constantly thinking about how to make it up to you,he needs to after all. He needs to do the first step,he crossed the line you can apolegize later,not lying you need too but he fucked up more so he needed to do the first step. There are many ways he apolegized to you before but are these enough? They were mostly for smaler arguments, would you accept his apolegie? he decided to do it the traditional way and just talk to you it was the easiest in this case.

And last but not least 

-Michael Kaiser-

He could have just said it in german and you woulnt have understood (yes I would have bitch) but he dindt and be honst he would be anasshole if he didnt. I mean he already is but even more of an asshole. You have no idea why he was mad in the first place just for nsome bullshit again you guessed but why did he need to be so mean about it?Well you werent about to run back like a lost kitten. You wanted, no you will wait til he apolegizes first.  But will his ego allow it. Tbh honest I see him just trying to over play it somehow cuz is ego is to big to say he is in te wrong. So i dont know if this will work out again its hard to say. One one hand he migh try to use Ness to do it on his behalf maybe or at least help out but idk

Sry that some og these were so short i didnt know what to write :,)


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