-When they say something hurtfull to you pt.2-

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-Hiori Yo-

You know how nice he is and you know he would never do something like this so what happened? To be honset i dont really know it all happened to fast n' now? You were sitting grumpy in your room mad as hell. Why would the say that? Would he say that? Did you misshear it? Was it a misunderstanding? After all he was always nothing but nice to you. You were torn apart on one side it fucking happened on the other side would he really mean something like that? Hiori knew he messed up,he knew he needed to apolegize but he wanted to make it as genuin as possible but how? On the other hand you didnt want to talk to him face-to-face and he could do it over text now could he? He was thinking A LOT. In the end he decided to ask you really really pleading (more or less) for you to come over to talk. You agreed cuz he seemed to really mean it. Were you still mad at him prop not, how could ya he really means it and you can see it.

-Kurona Ranze-

Kurona has truble expressing himself and you aware but he usually knows whats offending and whats not and besides that he has NEVER gone THIS far. He was mad sure but that no exuse for it. You were hurt yes,why would he say something like that? You didnt do anything, you dont even know why hes mad. He usually doesnt get mad fast and if he doesn it isnt even fort that long. Kurona on the other hand felt the guild coming up as soon as you left the room. He took his anger at on you and didnt even know why he knew as much as you do that you are complitley innocent. He didnt knew how to apolegize, he wasnt the kind to talk much and neither does he know how to properly express him self but he didnt just want to go to you and say'sorry' that'd sound skipted. He decided to go to hiori and Isagi for help they knew what to do right? Obvious there was no way they could do it for him it needed to come from him he knew that but he needed ideas. In the end he decided to write an letter and hoped it shows what he means better. Did it work? Well thats up to you..

-Karasu Takito-

He didnt think you would take it that serious. but WHAT.THE.FUCK. Does he have no feeling on how far someone can take it with jokes and stuff cuz tthat.was.too.fucking.far. He just stood there like 'ah shit-' with Otoya just being next to him like 'You fucked bro' while you jest left the room. You knew he ment it as a joke but that only made it worse. That fucking hurted, why would he think its funny or what did he think would happen? Why Karasu was in his room thinking on how to make it up without telling anybody.Yes he was to embaressed to do so Imeam Otoya knows but he aint snitching in his friend (Otoya is a great friend change my mind) buuut he wount help,thats also becs he doesnt know how to either. So Karasu is left alone he thinks of just waiting for you to calm down,maybe it wasnt as bad as  he thought. Hah. A week later he coulnt know less how wrong he was myabe you were less mad maybe not but you werent thinking of talking to Karasu anytime soon. The annoing part was that you talked to anyone else even Otoya (trust me otoya was standing like 'uhmmm so eh-) everytime. In the end he just spontainusly pulled you over to apolegize. Yea Otoya got sick of the akwardness and just told Karasu to do the first think that came to his mind.

-Otoya Eita-

Idk what happened you two get in smoll fight not so rarly and they are never to serious and even if you two have a serious fight it sorts out in a few day but today? You dont know you were more sensetive than usually. Did you snap at him did he snap at you,i dont know,he doesnt know,you dont know it was total chaos. In the end you left a confused otoya standing there,it was normal for you two to swear at each other and you two never took it serious,ok sure he never said something like that but he didnt think it'd be that serious to you. He would defenetly just let it be at first. Imean he moved from girl to girl all the time so even if you'd never forgive him he could just go off to someone else right?... No that didnt fell right why? He didnt know but he wanted to make it up to you for sure. He didnt know how though i mean he never really did something like that. Like usually if a relationship with someone is fucked than he go to another one. That's what the prob was they were all pretty and he got bored fast so it wasnt much of a prob to him usually but this time? he really wanted to make up for it. So what did he do? Right he went to Karasu. Why? well... he's pretty much his only friend he hangs with as much after you and Karasu was supriesed to say the least. Otoya? Trying to keep up an realtionship so badly? That was kinda new to him. But he was no relationship expert so all he could offer was to either texted them or talk to them.(The embaressment Otoya felt XD).

Part 3 next with 5 characters cuz it doesnt fit otherwhisley


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