-You as their younger sibling-

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Ik this is a bf book but I wanted to do this so here it is.

-Isagi Yoichi-

He's a chill brother-like he doesnt neclect you but I aint over protectiv. He'll help whenever he can if you need help. I can see you two doing harmless pranks on each other and maybe on your parents from time to time

-Meguro Bachira-

He's the fun brother. You two play jokes,pranks,play football. You two do quite a lot togheter. You two are the kind of sibling to sleep in the same room even if you have two sepret rooms technecly. He'd get you to school and if he has time might even bring you to school sometimes.

-Reo Mikage-

He'd be a person you look up to change my mind- he kind and good at school plus he was with you, your whole childhood so why woulnd you? Reo defenatly helps you with school if you're stuggling. He aint over-over protectinve but he yet get get protectiv of you he if thinks he needs to.

-Nagi Sheishirou-

He doesnt hate you and neither would he say you're a hassle buuut like it it sometimes he spents more time on his games. He might play multi player stuff with you though. When the two of you play video games Nagi prop explains it b4hand and starts of with easier levls yes, ut when ypou get into harder levles or things against time he wount show merci. (Cuz I dont either with my cousins, and im thinking of Rayman with this rn idk why) He ain protectiv but if he's with you sometimes he'd stand up for you

-Hiori Yo-

Again he would play videogamnes with you but he wound rush it and wait till you under stand it so if you have a levle you need to do fast he'd wait till you get it and if you have to redo that one part 1000x. Hirori tries to keep the fight from your parents waway from you since it doesnt have to do with you and hedoesnt want you to feel bad.

-Kurona Ranze-

Sharks. growing up with him makes it unavoidable for you to like sharks. I see 6 y/o you and 8 y/o Kurona standing at a tank of sharks at a aquarium just staring at the sharks (I needa draw this 😭). There are a lot of pillow fight,pillow forts adn stuff, usually its harm less but if he acciedently hurts you while pillow fighting he WILL feel bad.

-Karasu Tokito-

He be 'teaching' you stuff,yk the usless ones. He prop will pull you into doing some BS with him and Otoya. Overall you doing the fun stuff like pranks,pillow fight and competitions.You cant change my mind here. He'll defent you if he needs to though.

-Otoya Eita-

He literly trys to good-talk himself when you deadpan him again after he brought home a new girl. These are less friendly competitions between you two for sure. He loves you (SIBLING-ISH) one the less but still my point stands.

-Kenya Yukimiya-

He.is.the.best.brother from ALL of them-expacely since i have more like Nagi but worse after some years :,>. He'll help you with anything,he's like a third parent to you. I dont think the two of you fight very often and when you do its mostly just smool ones.

-Ikki Nico-

Idk to be honst i dont thin he would spent more time with you-like he is not avoiding you obviously you two just dont do as much togheter. I also dont think you have an bad relationship and stuff you two are just not like doing everything ,everyday togherter.

-Rin Itosh (ft.Sae)-

Having him as brother obviously also means having Sae as brother thas simple enough i think. I feel like after that whole incedend with Sae he tried to keep you from contacting Sae in some ways. Over all he isnt has cold as to others but dont theing he's all lovley-dovley with ya.

-Alexis Ness-

You gotta stand him rambeling about Kaiser.Its annoying.But even if you tell him off he'll stop and start later again. Over all a careing brother though just in his own ways yk...ANYWAYS

-Michael Kaiser-

he teases you alot.ALOT. Like kinking you feet under the table or pushing your chair aways from the table.That was as teenagers at least like now he still teases you but in other ways.. Thb idk what to write here live with it


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