-Karasu Catch Up-

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sry for the lomg wait I didnt notice that the week is almost over😭



His nicknames for you:




-Reader on their period-

-Becomes a gentelman

-stops teasing you bcs ur mood swings scare him a lil' ngl

-Gest you whatever you need just name it

-Atychiphobia reader-

-He'd need to google scearch what that is

-Doesnt really change his beavior much

-The moment were he is carefull is when you guys argue


-He is defenetly the big spoon

-I feel like he isnt the typ who specificly cuddles but more like suprise hugs

-He'll cuddle as long as you need when you're down though

- Nicknames on the phone-

His for you:

-Babe❤️ (sry I cant think of anything :,))

Yours from him:

-Purple crow

-They see you cry-

-He is slightly mad when he sees you cry

-He might not be the best listnener but he'll listen when you talk

-Takes you to other activites to take you mind of of stuff if you want him to

-you brought home a puppy-

-defenetly the puppy guy

-its no question that you guys'll keep it

-totally loves the pup

-You get injured-

-First he'd need to teas you obviously

-Helps you up after he's done

-He would follow you but you still have to bandage it yourself

-You ignor them-

-He got no time to be confused he's just offended

-well-..he wount really be mad mad at you but yk

-think of a way to make it up to him before hand

-you call him by his full name-

-He never told you his full name whysoever so hes is more concernt about the fact that you know his full name

-If its obvi and easy to find out his full naem? yea.Does hi use his brain?No.

-He is even more confused why you stated to laugh

-You're sick-

-He doesnt really know how to take care of a sick person

-He'll just check up on you fram tim to time

-You gotta take care of yourself mostly (reminder:it just a simple cold or so)

-Christmas gift-

-He'd prop copy something he saw in a movie or so

-meaning like choclates,teddy bear or something like that

-idk what to put here

-someone harasses you-

-nahh he areint having it bro

-would be ready to be ready to beat the crap outa him its up to you

-tries to make it obvious that you're take for the rest of the day

-They forgot your b-day-

-He would never admit it no fuikin' way

-would play it of asplaned

-takes you out in the evenin'

->Next one Michael Kaiser

-Again im only going to take like 2/3 more charakter requests-

-> You can still request scenarios thou if you like

Sooo like I was writing this in shool minding my own buissnes (I have my brightness nearly as low as possible.always.),sittng on the stairs bc the benchen and chairs were already full when ouda no were this one boy (rimnder I was at 'someone harasses you) sneaked up on by and went origanaly like 'a-ha animegirls big boob huh' I sat there completely alone like 👁️👄👁️ WhAt ThE FuCkE

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