Heya! As you can see i gave up on adding pics becaus i mostly write at shool and im to lazy to add 'em later.
This is prop the last catch up im going to do (to like 90%) scince i want to continue writing scenarios and we've quite alot of charakters i think-
anyways enjoy!
-Reader on theire period-
-he wouldn't show too much care/interessed
-well he DOES care he just would show it as much-
-he helps you with the stuff at home but you gotta buy the pads yourself
-artychiphobia reader-
-he himself prop doesnt really understand why but he'll try
-is observing you to find you what is most triggering for you ect.
-trys his best to not trigger you but he sometimes forgets when he is stressed or has a real bad day
-he wount admit it but he likes ya cuddles
-usually the big spoon
-you sit on his lap while he wraps his arms around you
-Names on the phone- (-for ppl who want to know this is the pert i cringe the most :,))
Yours on his:
His on Yours:
better isagi
-They see you cry-
-he as NO idea wth to do
-will akwardly try to comfort you-yet he doesnt know if he can come closer or not
-he trys his best k'-
-You brought home a puppy-
-He coulnd care less tbh
-He leaves it up to you what to do with it
-he will wrm up to the pup late though
-You get injured-
-He'll first give a smoll lecture of how dumb you are
-he'll help you thou
-idk that all
-You ignore them-
-First confused
-the also ignores you
-now two idiots ignoring each other
-You call him by his full name-
-looks at you like 'Wha did you jst say?'
-he'd be pissed but over it soon enough
-dont do it again though-
-You're sick-
-He'll not want to have anything to do with it
-Thinks you old enough to handel yourself
-still helps you though
-Christmas gift-
-go with iti have no idea
-Someone harasses you-
-He'd b epulling you away
-or make up some sort of exuse for you to go
-more of a passiv guy i think
-They forgot ya b-day-
-acts like he didnt forget it
-asks sae for help.YES HE WOULD