Chapter 2: A Very Strange Kid

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THE PLACE of Dr. Caridad resembles a ghost town. It has many houses, but seemingly uninhabited, accompanied by the darkening sky.

"Looks like it's going to rain." A young voice from behind Rez and Fred remarked. "This weather usually yields a good catch of fish in the river."

They both turned to see the speaker. He is a child, chewing and spitting something red on the ground, akin to mountain folks who are fond of betel nut.

"Did you come here to fish, or are you among those who believe in the so-called river ghost?"

"Hey, kid, are you kidding us?" Fred snapped, his blood pressure rising. Rez quickly calmed him down and turned to the child.

"What ghost are you talking about, kid?" Rez inquired. "I'm interested in mysteries."

He pulled out a card from his backpack and handed it to the child, probably 10 years of age.

"I'm Rez Chamba, a private detective. This is Fred Ablosa, my friend." Rez introduced themselves. "We're here to solve a case. If you have something you want us to investigate, I am here at your service."

The child stared at the small white card for a while. It bore Rez's name and his motto: "I Solve All Kinds of Mysteries," and his phone number. Then, the boy eyed them as if trying to determine if they were telling the truth or just crazy.

"People say the Shadow emerges from the river in the dark or during heavy rain to visit houses and scare children," he explained. "By the way, I'm Dacumog."

Fred burst into laughter, and Rez couldn't help but smile, although he tried to suppress it.

The name's seemed weird.

"Did you come here to witness the Shadow too?" Rez asked.

"No, I don't believe in ghosts. I just want to catch fish. There are supposedly many and large fish in this part of the river because few people approach it. The residents here are too superstitious. Look..."

He pointed to the quiet houses. "...the sky darkens, the residents hide, and probably they're praying the rosary for protection from the Lord Maria."

"Who is Lord Maria?" Fred calmly asked.

Rez stepped on Fred's foot.

"Um, do you know Doctor Ben Caridad?" Rez changed the subject.

Dacumog's expression seemed to alter upon hearing the name.

"That Doctor is a thief!" he exclaimed. "He stole our tribe's inheritance! I hope it's true that there's a Shadow scaring people, and it terrifies that thief until he can't breathe and dies!"

His eyes blazed with anger, and he seemed ready to strangle Rez.

"Hey, kid! W-wait!" Fred intervened, but the child suddenly spat, leaving sticky red saliva on Fred's face.

Before they could react, the child swiftly retreated, turned around and dashed away, his hand waving without looking back.

Fred just stood there raising his two arms, unsure how to wipe the red and sticky saliva oozing from his face down to his neck!

"I am going to kill that boy, Dacúmog, for sure, if I meet him again!" Fred growled.

Detective Rez Chamba in... The Case of the Restless ShovelWhere stories live. Discover now