Chapter 13: The Legendary Hunter

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The storm raged on, each thunderclap and lightning strike serving as a relentless reminder of the peril they had narrowly escaped. Dacumog, with Rez, Fred, Doc Claridad, and his daughters in tow, led the group up the treacherous mountain path. The wind howled, pushing against them with every step, but Dacumog's resolve was unyielding.

Occasionally, they made a stop to cover when a series of lightning strikes lit up the sky and the branches of trees above them. The forest seemed almost alive with the storm's fury.

"I know this part of the forest," Doc Claridad said, his voice barely audible over the howling wind. "Many people living here say that this is the land of Enrico the Ricochet, the legendary hunter."

"But it is also the hunting ground of the Shadow," his daughters added, their voices trembling slightly. "It hunts and scares children and even takes away some of them, never to be found again."

"And one of the victims was the daughter of Enrico, himself!" Doc Claridad added.

Dacumog just listened to them and said nothing. He had heard these tales before but knew that fear could paralyze them. "Come on, let's get going. I'll show you something," he urged, and once again led the way.

At last, they reached the mouth of a hidden cave, partially concealed by overgrown vines and rocky outcrops. Dacumog motioned for them to enter, and they stumbled inside, grateful for the respite from the storm. The cave was dark, but a faint flickering light deeper within suggested they were not alone.

"Who goes there?" a gruff voice echoed from the depths of the cave.

"It's me, Dacumog," Dacumog called out. "I’ve brought friends. We need shelter."

A figure emerged from the shadows, tall and imposing despite his slouched posture. His clothes were worn, his face weathered, but his eyes were sharp and piercing. He held a bottle of wine in one hand, the other resting casually on a hunting rifle slung over his shoulder.

"Friends, you say?" The man took a swig from the bottle. "I don’t recall inviting anyone."

"Please, Enrico," Dacumog pleaded. "We’ve had a rough night. The storm, the cult... we need a place to stay."

"Enrico?" Doc Claridad asked but almost a whisper. "Is he the...?"

Enrico the Ricochet, the legendary hunter known for his uncanny sharpshooting skills, regarded the newcomers with suspicion. Then, with a heavy sigh, he stepped aside, allowing them to enter further into the cave.

"Make yourselves at home," he muttered. "Just don't touch my wine."

As they settled in, the tension began to ease. Doc Claridad tended to his daughters, ensuring they were warm and safe. Rez and Fred exchanged glances, each silently wondering about their enigmatic host.

Dacumog broke the silence. "Enrico, these are my friends. Rez, Fred, Doc Claridad, and his daughters. We’re on a mission."

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