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Honeysia P

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Honeysia P.O.V

—M A T U R E  C O N T E N T +18⚠️

My body shook with excitement for what's about to happen. I've been greedily waiting for this time to come from the moment I knew how amazing it felt to get an orgasm.

My hand was still handcuffed to the bed as he forcefully torn off all my clothes. I gasp, "What the hell?"

He chuckles, "I'll take you shopping later, baby."

Hell yes!

I was naked on the bed as he spread my legs, admiring my pussy that was now slightly wet. I tried closing my legs because of how intense his stare was but he immediately opened them again.

"Prettiest pussy I've ever seen my love, no need to hide it away from me." He licked his lips. "Keep them open like a good girl." My body shuddered at his words and my eyes clenched shut as his thumb pushed through my folds, spreading my juices all over.

He reaches up, taking a nipple in his mouth as he sucked on it. Moans escapes my mouth as his cold piercing hits my bud while he continues to run through my folds with his thumb. I started getting even more wetter and he groans feeling my wetness soaking his finger.

"So fucking wet for me." He grunts out, "You making me thirsty for you, honey baby." Before I knew it, his head is centered down to my pussy as he took one big swipe with his tongue and a moan slips from him. My eyes closed at the feeling and I thrust my pussy into his mouth, needing more of his tongue on me. "Greedy fucking girl." He groans, sucking on my clit softly.

If this is not the best feeling in the world, then I don't know what is.

"Sander—" I moaned, feeling his tongue sliding inside my slit as he twirled it around while rubbing my clit with his finger at the sametime. "Oh shit...." I shuddered as he circled his tongue inside me and my pussy walls clenched around it. His groans sent vibration to my pussy and my hands went to my breasts as I fondled with them, feeling myself about to cum.

"Are you gonna cum for me, honey baby?" He pulled out his tongue and went back to sucking on my clit, playing with my labia by using his piercing. "Let it out for me, quench my thirst love." He begged and my legs shook as my stomach clenched, feeling the knot forming in my stomach as he sucked harder until he decided to push a finger inside me and that did it.

My cum drips unto the bed as he laps up whatever juice he could get. He moans as he slurps it all up greedily, pushing his head deeper into my pussy and my clit twitched sensitively. "Delicious. Fucking delicious." He stated as he got up after licking my pussy dry and then he licked his lips with a groan, like he was tasting the best thing ever.

I watch with low eyes as he pulled his shirt over his head, displaying his tone hard abs, tattoed chest and neck. His v-line disappearing into his sweats while his cock was print showing that it was hard and erect. As soon as he pulled down his sweats and boxers in one go, his cock escaped its prison and bounced against his stomach.

𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 | (𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Where stories live. Discover now