Ch. ³⁰

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{Recap from Honeysia's P.O.V}

"Now let's go, you've wasted too much of our time." He grabbed me and pulled me to him.

I started laughing, "He's gonna come for me you know? Then he's gonna skin you both alive and I won't stop him."

He puts a handcuff around my hands and says, "Yeah right."


Not the time, Honey.

{End of recap}

{End of recap}

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Aleksander P.O.V

I gripped her ass in my hands, squeezing it, "Goddamn baby, soft as fuck."

Honey was about to remove herself from my lap but I held her down. If she ever gets up, I'm sure they'll see my dick standing at attention— not that I care, I would fuck her right here and give no fucks.

But now is clearly not the time.

"Are you done fucking her with your eyes?" Rome asks as he taps my shoulders.

Could you really blame me? My wife is a fucking work of art. She is currently wearing a dress that stucked to her body like a fitted glove.

She is incredible.

"Actually no." I groan, "Why the hell did you interrupt me? I was just about to cum." I exaggerate and they gasps.

I wasn't lying though, I felt like I was about to cum just from looking at her, but it stopped when Rome opened his disgusting mouth.

She's that fucking ravishing.

Rome burst out laughing while Honey hid her head into my neck shyly and I knew she was blushing.

Rome rolled his eyes at me, "I don't have enough strength for your madness right now. We have far too many important things to deal with."

I groan, putting Honey on the seat as I stand up, looking at the two idiots tied up on the chair in front of us. They really thought they could take my wife out of our fucking house and all will be well?

Fucking imbeciles.

Before they could even get to the door with her, I was already home, bursting into the house like a mad fucking man.

Well I am one.

I know I promised her I wouldn't drive fast, but after that call, I overtake every damn car that was on the road without a care that I almost met in an accident.

"Okay." I said to the two idiots. "Listen up Dick one and Dick two—"

I heard Honey choking and I quickly went over ti her, gently slapping her back for her. "What's wrong?"

𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 | (𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Where stories live. Discover now