Ch. ¹⁰

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{Recap from previous chapter}

What the hell is a woman like this doing on my doorsteps?

"Sorry, I think you have the wrong house ma'am." I said to her and she rolled her eyes, looking me up and down.

Okay then?

"I'm not actually." She slurs, "I just saw my son coming from here." She laughs wickedly and I brushed my hands over my nose at her breath.

Wait- pause, turn, now back the fucking fuck up.

What did she say?

{End of recap}

{End of recap}

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Honeysia P.O.V

She is Sander's mother? He surely didn't get his looks from her at all.

"Repeat that again." I cocked my ears to hear properly.

She pointed her dirty nails in my face, "Listen here bitch, you're dating my son which means you have access to his money and I want some to get some white stuff."

Wait a minute.

She so did not.

"Ma'am, do me a favor and back the fuck up." I flicked her dirty finger away from my face. "First of all, if you want money go find your son and second I ain't dating him, so how about you crawl back to wherever the hell you came from."

I dont give a damn if she's the mom of the man I'm starting to like, she needs some manners.

Okay, did I just say like? Let's leave that for another day.

She laughs, spit flying everywhere making me curse under my breath. "You're not fooling anybody girl. Give me my money or I'm going to tell that husband of yours that you're fucking my son."

Her yellow stained teeth grinned at me.

"Oh, I'm so scared. Please don't tell you, I'll do anything you say." I say with sarcasm.

Her glare pierced me as she stood there looking at me.

"That bastard of a boy, ungrateful shit. I gave him everything and he had the nerve to put me in a mental prison!" She chuckled evily.

I looked at the pale woman in front of me, "Okay? What does that got to do with me? That's between you and your son. Now leave before I called the cops on you."

She looked me up and down, "I'll be back sooner than you think black whore." She spits at me and luckily I moved out of the way as she walked away, swaying.

I rolled my eyes, "Come back here and I'll show you what this black whore can do, old bitch."

I know that bitch didn't try to spit on me.

𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 | (𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Where stories live. Discover now