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Honeysia P

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Honeysia P.O.V

T W O  W E E K S  L A T E R♡

"You're still avoiding me?" Sander asks as I ignored him as I made my way to class. "Come on honey baby, it's not that bad."

I clenched my fist before punching them to his chest, not caring who saw me.

"It's not bad?" I raised my voice, "Look at this Sander," I held up the big diamond ring that's around my finger. "You marry me without my consent of approval."

Imagine waking up in the morning, only to realized that you're now married again.

Without you having a clue about it.

He scoff, "You did approve of being Mrs. Santos." He grins, kissing my ring finger. "Finally, my beautiful wife."

He takes nothing serious and that's my biggest problem with him.

"I was fucking drunk! I didn't know what I was approving of Aleksander." I huff in distress.

He sighs, "Baby, it's been two weeks since we've been back from Jamaica, two weeks since we've been married and all we do is argue already for fucks sake. I didn't even get a proper honeymoon or whatever they call it."

I looked at him like the crazy fucker he really is.

"You're not understanding my point, why do I even bother?" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Two steps away and he pulled my inside his office, "Fine, let me understand then." He pleaded. "I want this to work."

I sigh, "Sander, I just got out of a marriage. You didn't even give me time for myself to get over it or be ready for another, you just sent me right back into one more with you." I licked my lips and paused, "I needed time, time for myself and you didn't give me that."

He nods, pulling at his hair, "Okay, you need time? Fine, I'll stay in the guestroom and give you all the time you want."

I groan knowing he's still not getting the point.

Did I mention he also moved me into his house? Without my permission, may I add.

At this point I just let him do whatever he wants, it's not worth it.

"My point is, I wasn't ready for another marriage. I wanted to enjoy life first, enjoy myself first." I pointed out to him. "B-But you took that chance away too."

He clenched his eyes shut, "Yeah? Well it's already happen and I'm fucking sorry you weren't ready, but I can't take it back and we're never getting a divorce." He fixed his tie properly, "Who says you can't enjoy life, enjoy yourself in this marriage? I'm not stopping you love, I just need you to accept me as your husband."

I turn around and went to the door, turning the knob open, before looking back at him. "You never ever let me make my own decisions, what kind of a husband is that to accept?"

𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 | (𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Where stories live. Discover now