Chapter 6: Ugh, Eve what's happening to you?

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A/N: I'll be updating fast! Just remember to keep voting and sharing so that I would upload FASTER. yay. I would like to dedicate this chapter tooooo (drum roll please) ThePurpleGurl :D YAAAAAAAAY. 

PS-OMG YOU GUYS I HEARD YOU'RE A PLAYER IS #413 IN HUMOR! ahhhhh! thanks guys! I love youuuuu all.

Presenting.........CHAPTER 6!

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*Eve's POV*

It was beautiful outside. Even though it was really cold, the sun found a way to show itself. I smiled at the beautiful view. 'What are you smiling at?' Harry asked and I quickly turned my head away. 'It's just that, the sky is so beautiful.' I reply with a smile.

'You know what else is beautiful?' he asked. I began to slightly blush, thinking that he would say that it was me. 'Who?' I asked, even though I knew the answer. 'Me.' He said, pulling a derp face. I couldn't help but laugh. 'You troll!' I playfully slap his arm.

'Where will we go anyway?' I asked Harry. 'I know the perfect place. Just trust me.' He said with a huge grin. I nod and he takes my hand once again, dragging me to a simple yet pretty store. It was small and it had the sign: HEAVEN'S ICECREAM

We went inside, a bell ringing when we did. My eyes opened at the sight that was infront of me. Woah. So...many.....icecream....flavors.

'Am I in heaven?' I joked, still looking at the delicious treats. Harry chuckled and asked me what I wanted. 'I want the cookies and cream!' I said like a five year old who was getting her favorite icecream.

'Miss, can we have the cookies and cream? Oh, and I'll have the chocolate, just chocolate.' Harry told the girl in the counter. The girl nodded and gave us our icecreams on cones. 'That's 5 euros sir.' the employee said. Harry handed her the money while I ate my icecream.

'Hey! Wait for me!' he said as he pegged a piece of his icecream in my nose. 'HEY!' I yelled at him as I did the same. We continued doing this until we used up all our icecream in playing instead of eating.

'Look what you did! Now I'm messy!'  I laughed. 'Want me to lick it for you?' he said, wabbling his tounge in a licking manner. 'You disgust me.' I said. Harry just laughed at what I said.

'Where do we go next?' I ask, sounding like Dora in one of her adventures. 'To the mall!' Harry said pointing to a distant way. 'To the mall, we shall go!' I yelled, laughing and linking his arms with mine.


'Well, we're here now. What do we do?' I asked, turning my heads from side to side. There were a lot of people today. That's normal anyways. I never really went to the mall. I only go here when I need to buy something. I've never went shopping nor just roaming around. I can see parents with their kids circling them. Those silly kids. 

I could see couples too, just holding hands and talking. There is this one couple that caught my eye. Debbie and Todd.

 I haven't seen Debbie for awhile so I thought I could talk to her. I dragged Harry with me but he stopped me. 'No, please don't Eve.' he pleaded.

'Why not? C'mon. I just want to talk to Debbie.' I said. 'No, if Deannie sees me she'll get hurt even more. I feel bad about what I did' he said, looking down.

'Her name's Debbie -.-" and ohhhh, you feel bad now huhhhh. Good guy Harry Styles is good.' I said, nudging his arm. 'I'm serious Eve.' he pouted. 'Fine then. I'll just call her later.' I said and I dragged him to my favorite store. My favorite TOY store. mehehehehe.

 I went to the nerf gun stall and looked at the toys. I've always loved nerf guns. I still DO. mehehehe.My eyes were still glued to the nerf guns when I saw a huge walking teddy bear. Yes, it was walking. 'HELLO PERSON.' it said. And it's talking too!

AHHHHHHHHHHH. Somebody help! A huge possessed teddy bear is after me! 'I will get you and hug you until you can't breathe!' the teddy bear said and I realized who it was. Of course.


Harry's head peeked out of the teddy bear's body. 'You're so immature Harry.' I said, laughing. 'Well, I'm not the one in the nerf gun section, am I?' he replied. 'Do you want this?' he asked, pointing to the huge teddy bear who I was scared at moments ago -.-"

I nod and smile. The teddy bear is cute anyways, and I would like something or someone to be with when I'm alone. 'Then I'll buy it.' he said, smiling. I jumped up and down, clapping my hands like a retarded seal.

Harry went to the counter while I waited outside. I waited.....and waited. What's taking him so long. I turned my head to look at him and see what was taking him so long.

Oh. No wonder.

He was flirting with the girl in the counter. I felt anger take over my body mixed with a tinge of sadness and depression. What was happening with me? Why am I feeling this? Did I care that he was flirting with another person?

I couldn't blame him anyways. I was just his 'fake' girlfriend. And it wasn't in the rules that you were prohibited to flirt. Ugh, Eve what's happening to you? 

Did I feel jealousy?

Without thinking, I ran away. Tears were threatening to escape. Why is this happening? 

Could it be.....that I fell inlove with him, already?

*Harry's POV*

 I laughed at the girl in the counter's joke. She was really funny. We were just telling jokes anyway. She gave me the teddy bear. 'So, this is for your girlfriend, ey?' she asked. I nod and gave her a smile. 'Where is she?' she asked. I point at Eve who was looking at a distant place.

'You're a lucky man, I bet she's lovely. If I were you, I wouldn't let go off her.' she said. I processed what the girl in the counter said. Eve IS lovely. And she's really beautiful. Ever since the first time I saw her, I already liked her. But I guess 'the little crush' on her immediately went away.

She was the girl every man would dream of. It's just a bummer I can't fall inlove with her. And if I did, I'd just hurt her. I'm scared if I'll hurt her. What if something bad happens to her? I can never let that happen.

'I am a lucky guy.' I say, smiling at the girl. 'Thank you very much.' she said. I went out of the store and looked for Eve. I thought she would wait here. I quickly flick my head to my right. She's running away.

Why is she running away?


I know this is a short one butttttt......I'll make sure to update a longer one! :D 3 votes for the next chapter, yeah?



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