Chapter 3: CAN I GO TO SLEEP NOW?!

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*Harry’s POV*

That girl’s unbelievable. She actually had the human guts to challenge me. I would’ve said no if it weren’t because of Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam. If I did say no they would just laugh at me and told me I was a weakling or something childish like that.

So I had to accept it. The challenge wasn’t hard anyways. She’d be the first one to fall inlove with me anyway. No one could resist me. And why would I, Harold Edward awesome Styles fall inlove with her? Pffft, atleast she’s got a bit of humour in her.

‘This is my number. Call me later okay, babyyy?’ I smirked and winked at her as I handed a piece of paper that had my digits in it.

‘Sure thing, twattyyy.’ She replied.


‘What? I didn’t say specifically what kind of nickname we’ll call each other.’ She replied calmly.

‘Then I’ll call you..uh…whorey then!’ I retorted.

‘Nuh-uh. Once you say your nickname for that person you can never change it again.’ She said batting her eyelashes.

‘FINE THEN.’ I pouted.

‘I’m going home.’ She said.

‘Pssst, mate. Walk her home.’ Louis whispered.

‘Are you crazy?! No way mate.’ I replied.

‘Were witnesses mate. If you don’t do that. You lose. And you’re gonna embarrasses yourself infront of the whole school.’ Niall added.

Well thanks a lot for stating the obvious Niall. I’ll just do it. Anyways, I’m pretty sure after this walk she’ll fall inlove with me already. Then, she loses and embarrasses herself.

I sighed heavily. ‘Fine. I’ll do it. I’ll go now. See you tomorrow lads!’

‘Hey, baby. Wait!’ I yelled. I cannot believe I’m calling this girl ‘baby’. Now that’s just gross. Calm yourself Harry. This will all be over sooner or later.

She turned around and rolled her eyes. ‘What do you want?’

‘I wanted to walk you home. Don’t you want that? That’s part of our deal anyways.’ I said looking at her. It was pretty cold today so we were both wearing sweaters, scarves, and a really thick jacket to keep us from freezing.

‘Yeah sure.’ She replied.

We started pacing forward and we were quiet for awhile. There were no cars whatsoever. It was late, sure but cars would still be honking and making noises.

This time was different. It was only the two of us in the street. Only our figures wandering around. And the only things illuminating were the tall fluorescent lamps.

‘Hey, I didn’t catch your name by the way.’ I said, breaking the silence.

She sighed and steam came out of her mouth due to the cold temperature. ‘It’s Eve.’ She smiled faintly.

‘Oh, I’m Harry.’ I said with a smirk, extending my hand for a handshake.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. ‘Like I didn’t know that.’ She said.

‘You should smile often. It suits you.’ I said without thinking.


I paused and she stopped walking. ‘Harry, are you okay?’ she said waving her hands infront of my face to get my attention.

I Heard you're a Player (A Harry Styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now