17 bad. | seeun

177 8 3

song inspo | bad. - wave to earth

come over.

nari sighed and rolled over on her bed before responding to the text.


seeun smiled at this and sat up from his bed.

cus i want to see you


nari smiled at her phone because she knows he won't tell her.

will you just come over?

seeun ❤️

come over.


cus i want to see you


will you just come over?

but i have a date

who is it?
tell me
i'll kill him

why can't i go on a date ?

cus you're mine

i thought this was a fake relationship
you said it'd be platonic
didn't know you'd fall so fast lover boy

what ever happened to you coming over

when you ask me out i'll come over whenever you want
until then

i'm not asking you out over text
that's lame

well obviously

so come overrr



you come over here lover boy

yes ma'am 🏃🏻

nari sighed as she began to get out of her bed and freshen up before seeun gets there.

when she heard the doorbell ringing ( see what I did there 🙈 ),she opened it, revealing a smiling seeun with a bag full of snacks.

" i thought i'd come prepared. "

nari gave him a peck on the lips and tussled his hair.

" you're perfect "

- ⭐️ -

next thing you know, they were cuddled up in bed, but it was mostly a tangle of limbs, watching a movie.

" why would she do that? he's following her 'cause he loves her?! "

" baby, it's just a movie "

nari sighed and faced seeun

" i thought this was going to be a good movie, but if they don't end up together I'm telling everyone I know not to watch ' Tune in for Love ' "

" they're obviously going to end up together if she waited a whole 10 years for him "

the girl faced the tv again and laid her head back on seeun's chest.

" i don't know, it's not looking to good. "

once the movie finally ended seeun was half asleep and nari was crying because the ending was so sweet.

" seeun, are you awake? "

nari spoke as she wiped the rest of her tears

" kinda. "

she laughed at him and smiled when he pulled her down to his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

" today was a long day for me "

" yeah? was it bad? "

seeun shook his head

" no, how could my day be bad when i'm with you? "

he kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair.

" the movie's over, we can go to sleep. "

he hummed in response

" good night seeun "

" good night my love "


guys I'm going to a xikers concert the next time they go on tour with my best friend and no one is stopping me.
p.s sorry this is short 🤗

- ningning !!

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