people know

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Esmè pov.

I woke up to the loud buzzing sound on my phone I groan and rub my eyes before picking up my phone.

To see Alina name across the screen why is she calling me so urly in the morning I think to myself while i answer the call.

"What's going on why are you calling me so urly in the morning" I say barely awake.

"Go look on the news"she says.

I laughed slightly "you actually watch the news" I say.

"Just turn you TV on ok now" she said before hanging up.

"Rude" I said puting my phone down and turning on the news.

And there i saw it a picture of me and esmond on are date with the head line who is this mystery man Esmè fournier is with in there's new leaked pictures.

Oh god I should of know paparazzi would of found us oh poor Esmond.

I quickly pull out my phone and call him.

"Hey what's up" he said very energetically.

"Umm have you seen the news today" I say with a very shakey breath hopeing he hasn't but most likely has.

"No" he scoffed "who watches the news when you have the Internet plus who is this mysterious boy who's been spotted with the famous Esmè fournier" he said.

I scrunched up my face "so you know" I say.

"Yep but it's ok I mean it was bound to happen right" he said very calmly.

"So your not angry at me" I say shocked.

"No no I could never be angry at you" he said very sweetly.

"That's sweet I'm really sorry though" I say apologising.

"Stop apologising it's not your fault" he says.

"I know I just feel like I've not dragged you into my mess and you don't want to be apart of it and-" Esmond cut off my rambling.

"Esmè I said it's fine OK so it's fine don't worry about it ok" he said very calmly.

"Ok thanks bye" I said hanging up.

I get out of bed luna following me I walk into my kitchen and my parents are there getting ready to give me an ear full.

"So who is this man you are seeing and why haven't we hurd of him" my dad says.

Oh no they are speaking in English I'm in real trouble now.

"Hes a guy I met a couple of weeks ago who's in my Orchestra I'm tutoring him we went out on a date yesterday" I said looking down once finishing.

"Esmè how do you not know that he's only wants to know you to get close to us" my dad says with sympathy.

"He's not like the others he didn't even know who I was he has never even hurd of you two he didn't know I have famous parents" I said.

"He could just be lieing Esmè"my mum said.

"He's not and how dare you think so low of him" shout slightly at my parents.

"Ok calm down honey if you really like him then that's ok"my dad said hugging me.

"But we will need to meet this boy"my mum said.

"What why" I said.

"Well if you are going to be dating I would at least like to meet the guy if that's not to much to ask for" she explained.

"Ok fine" I said.

Couple hours later bother and Esmond are walking home from practice.

"So your parents want to meet me" Esmond said very unsure.

"Yeah but it's nothing serious they just want to get to know you make sure your not like my other boyfriends which I already told them your not like" I reassured him.

"Well I think it would be nice to meet them I've never met anyone famous before" he said.

"I have I've been surrounded by them ever since I was littel there isn't a celebrity I haven't met" I explained to him.

"That seem like a very overwhelming childhood" he said.

"Yeah but I got use to it eventually" I said to him.

"Ok here my stop" he said in front of this littel cottage.

"This your house it's beautiful" I say looking at it.

"This your house it's  beautiful" I say looking at it

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Esmond house.

"Thanks it's not much but I'm only one person" he said.

"Oh you don't live with your brother" I said confused.

"No he lives with his wife and 2 kids" he said simply.

"Oh must be lonely here all alone" I said.

"I've gotten use to being alone" he said looking down.

"Well you don't have to be" I said.

"What do you mean" he said looking at me.

"Well anytime you are feeling alone just call me and ill come over most of tge days my classes are short and ill finish urly so I have lots of free time besides practice" I tell him.

"Are you sure I don't want to be a burden" he said.

"No ist fine I don't like you being all alone in there's woods there is a killer on the lose you know it's very dangerous to be out in the woods all alone" I tell him.

"Yeah I guess thank you Esmè your very sweet" he said kissing my lips sweet but softly before walking inside his house.

I couldn't stop thinking about are sweet Innocent littel kiss I think I'm starting to really like him.

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