Not as Beautiful as You

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Team seven ate breakfast and left Tazuna's house to go train. Naruto, being his hyper active self, ran off into the woods ahead of the three.

"STOP RUNNING NARUTO! AND WAIT!" Sakura yelled out for the blonde, but sighed in defeat knowing he wouldn't stop.

"Hey Sakura, can I talk to you?" Sasuke asked the bubblegum haired girl. Sakura nodded and waited until Kakashi was a far enough distance before talking.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Sakura asked.

"Naruto. I get this weird feeling every time I talk to him. I'm nervous when I'm around him and my heart beats really fast. Why?" Sasuke asked straight to the point. Sakura laughed and smirked.

"You like him, Sasuke," Sakura said and crossed her arms.

"Pfft. That's ridiculous," Sasuke replied putting his hands in his pockets.

"No it's not. You can't deny the feelings you have for him. You like the hyper active idiot blonde. Deal with it," Sakura replied with a grin. Sasuke blushed and looked away.

"It doesn't matter if I do, WHICH I DON'T, because he won't like me back," Sasuke replied. Sakura face palmed and nodded her head in a 'no' gesture.

"You two were LITERALLY cuddling this morning! Are you that blind or just in denial!?" Sakura yelled angrily at Sasuke. Sasuke face became even more red (if that's possible.)

"Whatever Sakura," Sasuke mumbled, red as a tomato, and walked away. 'She doesn't know what she's talking about,' Sasuke convinced himself.

"HURRY UP!" Naruto yelled who was hundreds of feet infront of his teammates, on top of a tree.

"Naruto, your going to fa-" Kakashi started, but as if on cue, Naruto fell off the tree and onto the grassy floor.

"Owww!" Naruto whined as he laid on his stomach against the green grass. Sasuke rushed over to check if the blonde was ok.

"Are you ok?" Sasuke asked, trying to hide his laugh. Naruto sat up and nodded. He rubbed the back of his neck as he stood up in a bit of pain.

"Your so blind, dobe," Sasuke commented and crossed his arms.

"Don't call me dobe! Teme!" Naruto yelled as Sasuke rolled his eyes. Kakashi and Sakura shot each other a glance and smirked.

"Last one to the training spot has to do 100 push ups!" Kakashi yelled as some motivation for his team. Naruto smirked as the perfect opportunity came up to use Kurama. Naruto laughed and released some of Kurama's chakra and disappeared.

"Naruto?" Sasuke asked looking around for the blond.

"He's already there, so I suggest that you two hurry up," Kakashi suggested and the raven and bubblegum began running to their training spot. Sakura lost and had to do the 100 push ups as Sasuke and Naruto watched happily.

"How's it going over there Sakura?" Naruto teased. Sakura glared up at him and scoffed.

"You didn't technically win. Kurama had to help you. No fair!" Sakura argued as she did her push ups.

"Naruto's body did enter the training grounds before yours did... so it is fair," Kakashi responded.

"You take his side?" Sakura asked in disbelief.

"It's just the rules," Kakashi replied and shrugged his shoulders.

"Go fuck yourself. Bitch," Sakura mumbled quietly as she finished her push ups. Sasuke and Naruto bust out laughing as Kaakshi shot her an annoyed glance. 'I don't get paid enough for this,' he thought to himself.

"Anyways, let start our lesson on chakra," Kakashi started and began teaching the three about chakra, though, Naruto already knew what it was.

Time skip. 3 days later.

Naruto and Sasuke laid under their trees next to each other panting due to chakra exhaustion. Naruto had been punching down tree after tree for his training, and Sasuke has been working his way up a tree vertically. They were both extremely tired. Sakura and Kakashi went inside a while ago as the two rivals stayed outside, training until they dropped.

"I trained for longer dobe," Sasuke teased still trying to catch his breath.

"No way. Go get your eyes checked teme. I totally won," Naruto argued back. The two looked at each other, their faces almost touching, and laughed. They finally caught their breath and soon enough, the coldness of the night over took their sweat.

Naruto sat up and crossed his legs as he looked up at the stars in the night sky. Sasuke sat up as well and put one leg to his chest and the other out straight in front of him. Sasuke joined his gaze up at a the stars.

"They're beautiful," Naruto admitted and he smiled. 'Not as beautiful as you,' Sasuke thought and looked back down at Naurto. His eyes shined in the moonlight and his hair glowed at the stars. Sasuke blushed but didn't dare to look away from the blonde.

Naurto felt eyes on him and looked down to see the raven staring at his eyes. Naruto stared back deeply into his onyx eyes. 'There so pretty,' Naurto thought and smiled. Sasuke was taken aback by the soft smile and became even more flustered. 'It's now or never Sasuke,' the raven thought to himself as he took a deep breath.

"Naruto... their's something I want to tell you," Sasuke said grabbing the blonde's attention.

"Yes Sasuke?" Naruto asked tilting his head to the side a bit.

"I... I like you. No... I love you. I love the way you laugh at everything. The way your smile brightens up the darkest of times. The way your hair spikes up. The way your eyes glow in the sun. I love the way you are... I just... love you!" Sasuke admitted and looked away. Naruto couldn't believe why he had just heard. 'Sasuke... loves me?' He thought in disbelief. Naruto reached over and grabbed the pale boys hand and interlock their fingers. Naruto scooted closer to the raven and put his other hand on the ground to hold up his back.

"Sasuke," Naruto started and Sasuke looked over at Naruto.

"I love you too," Naurto finished and smiled. Sasuke eyes went wide, but before he could say anything, he felt something on his lips. He looked down and saw his dobe pressing his lips against his own. 'Holy shit! He's kissing me!' Sasuke thought in total shock. Sasuke quickly kissed back by placing his hand on Naruto's cheek. The blonde deepened the kiss before letting go. The two felt the heat loss on their lips, but smiled at each other.

"You really mean what you said?" Sasuke asked still completely shocked about their kiss.

"Was that not enough proof for you?" Naruto asked and giggled.

"Hmm... not really. I think I'm going to need some more," Sasuke replied grinning. Naruto smirked and tackled the raven into another kiss.

After they finished playing tonsil tennis, Sasuke pulled back for some oxygen. He grabbed both of Naruto's hands and the two sat facing each other.

"So does this mean... you want to be my boyfriend?" Sasuke asked as he blushed. Naruto blushed aswell before answering, "Sure! I'll be your boyfriend!" Sasuke grinned and helped him up as they walked back to Tazuna's house.

Ok I know I suck at romance and stuff but.. 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 THEIR JUST ADORABLE I CANT EVEN ANYMORE 🤭🤭🤭😍😍😍


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