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Dear diary,
My name is Fantasia I am 15, this is my new diary, I will try my best to write my days journey in this diary. Today was the best day of my life so far, we had sport today I am not that sporty type of person but for some reason I loved today's sport. Our teacher was mean and spilt my friends and I up. Unfortunately I was the lonely one and my friends had each other. But for some reason I liked sport because we played something today I was actually good at, soccer. I was never good at soccer, I was always the last one to be picked on teams. I hate that. But today the teacher picked me to be a captain and choose from the class who I wanted to be in my team. I obviously picked my friends first, it was a bit weird though because the sport teacher already chose our teams but I did not say anything, I did not want to be split up. :) i then had to pick some boys, I was a bit scared I would be judged on who I chose. So I made my friends choose. We started the game, I was so nervous I had no idea how to play, but then something in me knew how to play and we WON! I was so happy. When I went back home my little sister was teasing me, about something really dumb I just ignored her. She does it all the time, I had butter chicken for dinner is was yummy!
Okay then bye diary see you tomorrow.

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